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( A/N I don't believe he's 12 or in this case 9 but my family does. Sadly, so if I go to their next concert you can bet I'm gonna die of embarrassment. ) 

I do my stuff and try to clean up. Then I have to ask someone to take me to the store. Who should I ask. Zach out already, no to Corbyn. Jack laugh his butt off and Daniel... I don't what he would do. That actually scares me. So Jonah you the one. 

Me: JONAH! * yelling *

He downstairs doing whatever. 

Jonah: What? * sluggish voice * 

Me: I need to talk to alone, like right now. 

Jonah: * eye roll * I'll be back guys. If I don't come back in an hour know she killed me. * joking *

I wait in the bathroom for him to knock. Then he does. 

Jonah: You wanted to talk to me. 

I open the door and pull him in. Then close it and lock it again. 

Me: I need to go to the store. 

Jonah: What for?

I don't want to tell you but please just drive me to the store. 

Jonah: Not until you tell me what it is. 

Me: I'm serious, we have to go, now!

Jonah: I'm still waiting. 

Me: Fine! 

I got to the door to make sure no o listening then go to Jonah. I whisper in his ear this. 

Me: * whisper * It's that time of month. 

Jonah: ...........................

Me: Can we go now. 

Jonah: Uhhhhhh, yeah let's go. 

We walk down the stairs to see the boys staring at me. I could practically feel Corbyn's eyes burning holes through my head. 

Jonah: We're going to the store, need anything. 

Daniel: Watermelon. 

Corbyn: Glasses and vans. 

Jack: Same. 

Zach: Can I come?

I look straight at Jonah glaring. I swear if I have another boy know I'm doing this he's dead. Plus I'm not in the mood. My thing makes me moody and sluggish. 

Jonah: We can't let you come along for certain reasons. 

Zach: * pouts * Fine, but at least bring back pizza.

Jonah: I can do that. 

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