Author's Note

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            So this is a Nagito Komaeda character analysis. This was made because we all know that Komaeda is a very complicated character and hopefully this analysis will change your mind about him if you didn't already like him. Even if you do like him this can still help you understand more.

           I obtained some of the information from Tumblr but mostly on the last parts of the analysis. I'll make sure I credit them at the end where they go in more detail so you can check them out.

           This took like 8 hours to write and A LOT of research but even then I still feel like there is more about him. Could be just me tho. Anyway, enjoy!

           Also you might have seen WeebyNewz's character analysis on him already but what she said there is now basically common knowledge to the Danganronpa fandom so I wanted to go much deeper.

Nagito Komaeda Character AnalysisWhere stories live. Discover now