7. The master plan (Chapter 5 actions)

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             We all know what happened in it already but I want to go in a little more detail. If you try to talk to Nagito when it's free time he says "I appreciate that you still want to talk to me after all I did but I'm busy at the moment.". This is already a hint to the fact that he is busy planning his own murder which is really sad. But the saddest thing is that he died the most horrible way. I don't mean that phisically tho. He always said that he doesn't want to die alone, that at least before death, someone could love him. But it didn't happen. That was true despair for him. I believe that while he was staying there waiting for the others to come, he wished that his plan would fail...but he knew that even for him, that was impossible. What sucks is that the others were shocked that he died but they didn't feel sad. They just wanted to get it over with so that they could finally go home, proving Nagito that no one loved or even cared for him. Tho Hajime said stuff about Nagito in his mind. He said "No matter how much I tried, I couldn't believe it...Because the victim was Nagito? Because his death was so abnormally cruel? No, it wasn't just that. There was something more to it than that... And whatever it was...it was stuck inside me.". This could indicate to him actually deep down caring about Nagito, but he just refused to believe it. I guess we will never know...

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