9. The despair life (Ultra Despair Girls role)

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                 Nagito is the only Ultimate Despair that appears in Ultra Despair Girls. He doesn't seem that different at first for most people but he has some different behavior. In here he works with Monaca to make Komaru the next Succesor. This time he believes that even someone normal can become hope, not just the talented like he always believed. When he is confronting Toko and Komaru and she cuts his thighs he doesn't really say anything. He doesn't show pain. It is kinda weird, but in character. After he is defeated he doesn't want to work with Monaca, leaving her alone. But then in the epilogue we see that he found Monaca and that he is carrying her. That means that he came back to her. I don't know why but maybe he just changed his mind. He offers her that she should be the next Succesor and that he will raise her from now on. I don't know for how long that was exactly but I assume at least a year. Personally I found that moment really wholesome and I believe he took good care of her, even if he kept talking on and on about hope and despair which made Monaca yeet herself into space. Literally. He basically defeated despair just by saying what he's always saying. Good job Nagito!

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