10. A special dream (DR 2.5)

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                So that the others could wake up, Hajime basically made his own AI to wake the others up from their dreams. Nagito dreams of being a normal guy with a little bit of an unlucky streak, nothing extreme. He sees himself as a side character as he is sometimes switching between being a blue person and being his normal self. He also dreams of being friends with Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi. This can explain how all he wants is a happy life with friends. He even included the Warriors Of Hope which treated him like an animal. He wanted them to have a happy life too. It shows how while he was their servant, he cared about them. He probably saw them as his siblings. It is really cute. He also sees Makoto as this Chad and ships Naezono lol. He also makes Sonia give a chance to Kazuichi which is really cute but we all know that would never happen in real life. When Kazuichi is supposed to meet with Sonia he gets scared and tries to run away but Fuyu and Nagito caught him before he had the chance. He says how he doesn't feel like he is good enough for her since she is a princess and he is just a guy who tinkers with machines. Nagito says "Souda, it's talent you desire, isn't it? Compared to a princess like Sonia, you're inconsequential. And that makes you anxious. I understand that feeling.". This could show how he feels when he is around the others, out of place. Kazuichi asks him what the ones without talent like them should do and Nagito responds "Find happiness.". That shows how he wants his life to be. No talent, no hope and no despair. He even said so in his FTE. That is the life he truly desires. The reason he says he doesn't like normal people is because he envies them. He is jealous that they can live such a simple but happy life and he can't. And that is perfectly normal. When he sees his friends die he goes to confront the World Destroyer aka Hajime's AI. He looks pissed at him, even angry. You never saw him with so much rage before but he still tries to keep his cool. He is genuinely mad a him for killing his friends. He says how he is going to defeat him but he kept failing. He collapsed the building and then shoot himself. He wakes up in the Neo World Program and has a conversation with Hajime's AI and he says "I can't believe I actually wanted a world without talent...That's just not who I am". I think he was lying about that since Hajime's AI said that the world he was dreaming was formed out of his biggest desires and he desires a normal life. After that he wakes up with Hajime next to him telling him to wake up. It looks similar to when Nagito woke up Hajime in DR2. At first Nagito calls him Izuru but then he says Hajime. He reaches out for his hand to help him get up while he still has the Junko hand. Even with that hand, Hajime holds it anyway. When Nagito is heading toward the boat Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi are waiting for him. Nagito hugs them both and says "At least it wasn't a bad dream". Then he goes in the boat with Hajime waiting and grabbing his hand, this time being the robotic one. I don't know about you but for me that moment was super sweet. It shows how Hajime forgave him and how they become friends.

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