8. The loner life (School life, Despair Arc)

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              In Despair Arc Nagito still doesn't have any friends. Everyone considers him a weirdo and a creep. This is one of the many reasons why I don't like the anime. In the game it's understandable why they wouldn't like him but in the anime he didn't do anything bad to them. He just talked a bit weird but that's just how Nagito is! They should have gotten used to it. Heck, he even exploded the gym for them! Speaking of which... The reason he did that was so the others don't have to take an exam since they were all depressed after Natsumi's murder (Fuyuhiko's little sister). He also ACCIDENTALY expeled Seiko, Ruruka and her boyfriend. He didn't want that to happen, it was all his luck's fault. When he was in the office with Chisa he explained to her why he did what he did but Chisa seemed confused. He says "I understand miss, don't pay attention to a word I say...it's just some weird talk (I don't know what he said there) of a no one!" and then Chisa slapped him. Nagito didn't really react, he just accepted it but when Chisa grabbed his face and said that he shouldn't call himself that and that she cares about him he was shocked. It was probably because he never heard anyone say that to him. I would have really liked if he started crying, just so he could let out all his emotions. Too bad. When he got suspended no one in his class cared, they even said that they hated him anyway. Hiyoko even puts a fricking flower on his desk!!(If you put a flower on a students desk it means that they are dead but if you put one while they are still alive you basically tell them to kill themselves). When he comes back everyone is dissapointed. It made me really mad. Chiaki was the only one that greeted him. When he goes with Chiaki to search for Mikan and they stumble upon Junko and he points a gun at her. It was very surprising the fact the he wanted to be the hero. Usually he makes the others be the heros but this time it was different. He wanted to finally be the one to create hope, he wanted to be the hero. He wanted to be accepted by the others. But of course it doesn't work out and Izuru comes and shoots him instead which...turns...him...on?? What the heck? Actually it makes sense, afterall it's Nagito, of course he would get turned on by the Utlimate Everything. Anyway Chiaki brings him back to the others and somehow they are still not entirely worried. Great. Anyway the other stuff happenes and right after Chiaki's execution they all start crying and smiling at the same time and Nagito says "how could you do this to Chiaki? She was our hope!" and more. I think he was completely devasted when that happened because he really respected Chiaki and her with Chisa were the only ones who cared for him. And guess what? They both die. I think Nagito blamed himself for it, since they were the ones closest to him, they both died. He probably thought it was all his luck's fault. We never know.

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