4. I'm scared of people caring for me (Fears and weaknesses)

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            The reason he said he was lying is because he doesn't want Hajime to forgive him and try to help him. He doesn't want Hajime to get close to him since he knows that he will be affected by his luck cycle, just like his parents. He is scared that Hajime could get hurt or even die if he gets close. That's why he distances himself from the others and from Hajime even tho he wants to be friends with his classmates. That is shown in Danganronpa 2.5 that he wants to live a normal life and be friends with everyone. He was dreaming of Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko being his best friends THAT'S SO SWEET!! It shows that he cares about his classmates more than just their hope, as many people believe, but it all changed in Chapter 4.

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