Chapter 11: Echo of... Zane III.

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Reader Key:

(Y/N) = Your Name.

(N/N) = Your Nickname.

(H/L) = Hair Length.

(H/C) = Hair Colour.

(E/C) = Eye Colour.

Author's Note: This will be slowly updated as not to give away something in the main story.

(Third Person P.O.V)

______ Echo ______

Piloting the Golden Mech back to the lighthouse had been one of the most gruelling fifteen minutes of Lloyd's life. Especially with (Y/N) and Zane hanging on to the outside.

Lloyd glanced at (Y/N) and Zane. Zane had made extra sure (Y/N) was safe by making sure she was secured to himself to make sure she didn't fall off the Golden Mech. The sight of the pair being so close made Lloyd's heartache.

"How are you feeling?" Zane asked the wind distorting his voice slightly making it hard for (Y/N) to hear the white ninja. "What?" (Y/N) questioned having not heard what the nindroid had been saying. "How are you feeling!?" Zane repeated only louder and closer this time.

(Y/N) paused, considering some truthful responses. Confused. Frustrated. Angry.

"Fine." (Y/N) lied and half-shouted over the wind. Zane stared at her a moment longer. "I find I do not believe you." Zane said honestly. "Believe what you want to believe." (Y/N) countered with a slight smile.

"Were they always so close?" Lloyd wondered as he rubbed his chest just above where his heart resided. The green ninja cursed inwardly. "Uh, hey! We're here!" Lloyd then shouted out, abruptly. Grabbing the pair's attention.

Finally, the Golden Mech landed on the secluded island.

"ECHO!" (Y/N) shouted out for the copper nindroid as soon as she set foot on the sand but there was nothing but silence. "ECHO!" (Y/N) shouted out again. Once again, nothing.

(Y/N) began to worry. "Echo!" (Y/N) yelled as she started running up the steps of the old lighthouse. Kicking up sand as she did. Lloyd went to stop her from running in her weakened condition. "(Y/N) wait!" Lloyd shouted and followed after her and Zane.

(Y/N) forced the door to the lighthouse open. "Echo?!" (Y/N) yelled up the stairs. But she was only met with silence. She even opened the secret room. "Echo?" (Y/N) quietly asked. But the happy go lucky copper nindroid was nowhere to be found.

"Where is he?" (Y/N) asked turning to Zane for the answer. "I do not know." Zane answered honestly.

"He couldn't leave the island. So where could he have..." (Y/N)'s line of questioning stopped as soon as her eyes fixed on the ocean.

Echo Zane X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now