2nd week.

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Mellicia's pov:
I hear everything they're saying but I can't talk back or move. To day I believe is a Friday which means Kio's day. I hear the door open, someone sits beside me.
Kio: Hey mel.
He takes my hand. Crap I remember, Mads phone is live and she is in the restroom washing her face.
Kio: So, is Mads still here. MADS!
Mads: Yeah, oh Kio I'm live my phone is right in front of her bed.
I could tell he's searching for the phone. Knowing Mads she set it up and a good angle so of course it's gonna get Kio holding my hand.
Kio: Yeah, I see it.
I hear the restroom door open. I know her, she has a shocked face and everything.
Mads: Omg, I hope someone screen recorded. I am a 100% a Mio shipper.
She got close.
Mads: Ok bye live.
A few seconds later.
Kio: Really a Mio shipper?
Mads: Of course, now bye see you soon.
The door opens and closes. Kio scoots me over. He always does this. He gets in bed with me because last time he slept on the cot. His back was hurting for a whole week and he got stepped on. He starts playing with my hand.
Kio: So wyd today.
He waits a few seconds if he thinks I'm speaking back to him.
Kio: Well, since you didn't ask. I hug out with everyone we officially moved into the new house and guess what.
A few seconds later.
Kio: The Triller Compound decided to move in with us. They moved in yesterday but Olivia is still in Miami so she is sharing a room with Azra.
He waits a couple seconds.
Kio: Oh I forgot to tell you, we put your stuff in Avani's room. Since me and Anthony are sharing a room. You know, Covid-19 right it shut down all the airports. Crazy, so bestie.
He is still playing with my hand.
Kio: You know, I don't know if you could feel it but I'm still wearing the Mickey Mouse ring. I only take it off when I wash my hands and take a shower. Or when I go in the pool which is rare.
Kio: Why don't you wake up and hug me. Come hangout with us please.
Kio, I really am trying to. I hear the machines start beeping crazy. The door opens.
Kio: Jovi what's happening.
He let's go of my hand and gets off the bed. Jovi touches my arm.
Jovi: She tried to come back, she is ok now.
Kio: So she really can hear us.
Jovi: You've got a strong one.
Kio comes and lays back down next to me. He plays with my hand again.
Jovi: You two are a cute couple.
Kio: No we're friends.
Jovi: Huh, could've fooled me.
The door opens and closes.
Kio: So you tried for me?
I kinda regret it now. Don't take it you your head now.
Kio: I'm going to go live on Tiktok, also you reached 90 million on Instagram and 67 million on Tiktok and on Twitter 78 million.
He stops playing with my hand finally. He still is laying by me.
Kio: Hi everyone. Aww ship Mio.
He read a comment.
Kio: We're only friends. Hi Avani. Oh I forgot to tell you but Sofia can't come she still doesn't like hospitals so tomorrow is your day.
He quiets down, probably reading comments.
Kio: Uh I would probably eat Tamales instead of Hawaiian pizza. Sorry Sieanna. Actually fun fact, mel's favorite food is Tamales so yeah.
He quiets down again.
Kio: Hi Sam, Charles, and Rebecca.
He starts talking to his fans. I don't listen. Till I hear my name.
Kio: Would I ever date mel. I don't know. She is a very good friend but I don't know.
I fall asleep.


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