Chapter 5, Japanese Mafia

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Shigaraki was in a pickle after All For One was banished to California. He has no idea how handle to social and economic problems of a multi villain organization. He accidently replaced Dabi's soda with bleach and Dabi had to go to a hospital. He also accidently replaced all of Toga's knives with sporks and in a very tragic and very accidental event, accidently put Spinner in the nomu gladitorial arena and left him in there with all the nomu for like 12 hours.

Shigaraki even lost the ownership of the bar when he misplaced the title deed and then the pro heroes trashed the place so badly that he didn't even want it anymore. So they were in All For One's outhouse sharing the very small outhouse when they were getting kind of unruly.

Dabi Man is like "Why are we being led by this guy? He fricking lost the bar we were living in"

Shigaraki said "Shut your whining. Pass me the toilet paper. This is just as annoying as the time you were all whining during the camping trip."

Dabi Man said "Speaking of that camping trip. What happened to that private jet you bought?"

Shigaraki said "I threw it away"

Dabi Man said "WHAT"

Shigraki said "The plot convivence quirk means that you can only use the item once for a very convenient event and then you have to throw it away"

Double Man came back and said "Guys I found a new recruit with a lot of toilet paper cause he's scared of germs or something"

The new guy said "Hey guys All For One is gone and all and ..."

"YES a new recruit to replace all our lost comrades. We will call him after everyone who was lost so MuscleMoonMustardSpinnerMustardMoonMustard man" said Shigaraki

"Why'd you say MuscleMoonMustard twice" said Double Man

"Cause we need to replace that angry man we called MuscleMoonMustard man" said Shigaraki

"Oh" said Double Man

"Wait why'd you add Spinner? I'm still alive." said Spinner

Shigaraki said "I feel deja vu. Time to end this once and for all" as he gives Spinner a nuclear swirly

"Ok fools listen carefully" said Germ Hater Man "Join my clan it's called the Yakuza Is Godly 5000 ..."

"Double Man, you brought this kid who's just advertising his clan" said Shigaraki

Magne then rushed the Germ Hater but then Germ Hater used his admin quirk to report Magne for having a really complicated magnet quirk and abusing the physics engine and got her banned for life from life. He also reported Compress's arm for using an illegal quirk build that can instantly trap someone in a marble with no chance of escape.

"MuscleMoonMustardSpinnerMustardMoonMustardMagne Man you traitor!!!" shouted Shigaraki as he decayed his lifetime supply of toilet paper for life.

"Ok we both have losses. I lost my toilet paper and you lost your friend and your friend's arm. Still join my clan it's called the ..." 

"Get the CENSORED out" said Shigaraki as he sent Germ Hater Man who calls himself Overalls or something out of the outhouse.

Overalls then left and his master plan as to just harvest this little girl's blood or something to make drugs. These drugs make people so drugged that they forget how to use their quirk. Shigaraki decided to take a chance and went to their mancave to offer cooperation. It was a long process with many hours of paperwork but it was finally done and Shigaraki went back to the outhouse.

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