Chapter 4

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"OW WHAT THE FU-." Izuku aimed for the small packet of tissues on his nightstand and started using those to try helping the bleeding.

"Do something about this.. issue." Shigaraki said before walking out. Luckily he was in good relations with Kurogiri so he got teleported to the bathroom.

"Thanks" He mumbled before taking the med kit down and started treating the shot. First he took the bullet out, which he mastered at this point. Then making sure there is no germs or poison, then wrapping it. It bled a little but he uses thick bandages to avoid that.

He was able to cover is overall with his pants so he wouldn't have to deal with Toga's annoying questions. 'I hate this place..' he thought, he went back to his room and grabbed a note and pen out.

Oi sh*theads, I left and ain't coming back. Toga you're a annoying mothertrucker, Shigaraki keeps shooting everything, and Dabi is just.. Dabi. So yeah bye retards.

Yes that's what he wrote as his goodbye note. He posted it to the bar with tape and started packed his things.

Then a knock. "Let me in." Dabi asked, more like demanded.

"Fine fine." Izuku walked over and opened the door to see Dabi's taller figure.

"You leaving me with the crackheads?" Dabi asked, noticing the bag filled with Izuku's stuff.

"Well umm maybe, night." Izuku took a small syringe from his pocket and injected its contents into Dabi's arm knocking him out, he then proceeded to leave the base.

He managed to sneak past the UA gates to his dorm, he unloaded his stuff from the base into a small safe in his closet. Mainly a gun and reloads. He smiled and changed out his villain costume into something else.

Izuku walked down to the common room hoping more then him was there, instead it was only him and Katsuki. 'Oh god this is the worst thing that can happen..'

"Oi Deku come here." Izuku just listened and walked over looking like a nervous wreck.

Katsuki hovered over him to the point he was pinning Izuku down on the sofa. "KACCHAN-." He got interrupted by Katsuki kissing him, and that just lead to a whole new series of events..

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