Chapter 5

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Izuku woke up, laying in his dorm bed, breathing heavily and blushing madly. Was it all a dream or what?!

"Oh you're up. You passed out while walking down the stairs." Shoto said staring at his phone.

"Umm so you took me to my dorm and watched me?.." Izuku asked, trying to piece everything together.

"Yeah pretty much.. but there's one more thing." Shoto got up close to him to where it was only centimeters apart for a second then he kissed Izuku.

He didn't know what to think, he always thought Todoroki was hot, and not in the quirk way. 'Well it wasn't like Kacchan was going to just walk in.' So with that, he kissed back. Was he proud? Kind of, he didn't seem like the cheating type, but he also didn't seem like the villain type so who cared at this point. This lasted a few minutes before a minor feeling of quilt took over.

"Look Todoroki, I like you, a lot.. but I'm already dating someone.." Izuku mumbled, Shoto shrugged and backed off.

"Oh I.. Sorry." Shoto got off the bed entirely and walked out now feeling that pile of guilt.. and jealously. Izuku felt that, he didn't like it..

A few hours later

Loud knocks were at Izuku's door till he opened it, it was Ochako and she was talking way too fast.

"Hey! Hey! Slow down!"

"TODOROKI AND BAKUGO ARE FIGHTING OVER SOMEONE." Ochako yelled out before grabbing Izuku's hand and dragging him down to the training area to see a beat up Bakugo and Todoroki.

"Oh my lord those two.." Izuku mumbled before running to in between the middle of them while everyone just formed a circle. 'No help either..'

"YOU TWO STOP ALREADY." He yelled before slapping them both in the face, he didn't know what to do.

"What the hell nerd?!" It's like Katsuki wasn't his boyfriend, cover he guessed.



Their bickering didn't look like it was ending soon, he now activated his quirk to fling them into trees knocking both of them out. Mina and Kaminari got hit when they flew for 1.0 seconds.

"Omg..." Was what everyone said looking like they saw a ghost.

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