Thanksgiving Special

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(Next published is chapter 14 then I will be posting the Christmas special! I sincerely hope you're enjoying the storyline! Remember! This doesn't have any relation to the main story, this is just for fun! If you have any questions, concerns, or requests please leave a comment or DM me! Enjoy!)

Thanksgiving was a peculiar thing to the autobots— celebrating the conquering (or so called "friendship" with) of the Native Americans. Of course, Jack was quick to explain the development of the tradition of the centuries and what it has become now. This tradition was much better than celebrating tyranny.

It was a day of thanks, and after spending a plethora of months with their new friends, there could be a list longer than a CVS receipt listing the ways they're thankful. Though, there was more to this strange holiday: feasts and a dark Friday? After some further digging they found it was just a day for extreme sales and shopping.

And now, we find ourselves at the autobot base, June and (Y/n) cooking while some of the others watched and/or helped with preparations. There was now a new side to the women the bots had never seen before— in other words, both of them were getting super snappy at anyone who came their way.

The two were quite synchronized in their work and were most likely to turn around and snap at Smokescreen when he kept annoying them about when it was going to be ready. Human food was a rarity for them after all. Though it also wasn't entirely good for them to eat. Sure, their systems could have roughly 8 servings, but anymore could cause some problems. Their bodies were really only meant for energon after all.

Of course, it wasn't only Smokescreen to bother the women. Optimus seemed to stop by every 30 minutes wanting to help. No one in the right mind would snap at Optimus, though they were getting tired of him dropping by every so often. Besides, the only help they really needed was keeping everyone distracted.

About an hour later, the food was either still cooking or done and packed away. Now it was game time while they played the parade (and later the puppy sports) in the background. They all gathered around the couch, Ratchet and Ultra Magnus the usual downers and standing off to the side working. Optimus tended to pop in and out depending on the game.

"You two should join us for at least one round!" (Y/n) begged the two bots for probably the 7th time. Neither made a single movement to join, however.

"You made us indulge in this childishness once on this "Halloween", why must we play games? They're for sparklings." Ultra Magnus challenged the woman, clearly annoyed. (Y/n) rolled her eyes, if there was one thing Ultra Magnus has yet to learn, it was that (Y/n) didn't go down without a fight.

"Games are not for just sparklings, they're both a thing of entertainment and a chance to learn and boost skills." She replied with a scoff, that made Ultra Magnus feel offended, considering it was one of those scoffs like "everyone knows that".

"And how is this "Uno" educational or skill developing?" He challenged once more, taking a few steps closer to (Y/n).

"Well, that's simple, a skill you develop in it is reaction time and you learn to think strategically to not only get to having zero cards, but how to make others have a difficult time losing all their cards." She replied.

"And why would I need to know that?"

"Well you already use those skills don't you? Or perhaps you're saying you lack those qualities and maybe you are not as great as a commander as you let on to be..."

"Oooooooooo! She got you there!" Wheeljack shouted at the commander with a laugh. (Y/n) just smirked up at the commander cockily. Ultra Magnus glared down at the woman before releasing a sigh.

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