༄ 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 ¦ 4.

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You heard a loud thud followed by your entire body being in pain. You groaned, slightly opening your eyes and looking around. The bright morning light hit your eyes, causing you to shut them again. Refusing to get up you came to the conclusion that you just fell out of bed. Ouch..

Minutes later you got up, you had plans. Many actually. You wanted to be productive and not read story books like the ones you read last night, even though the story was enjoyable
Dusting yourself off and getting a change of clothes you made your way downstairs. Boss greeted you with the usual smile and breakfast, you couldn't help but smile back at him.

"G'mornin (Y/N)."
"Morning Boss."

Charles got to work, neatly preparing another stunning breakfast for you. You still were awed by how a bartender could provide such spectacular dishes.
"So how'd you sleep?" You couldn't help but laugh sheepishly at his question.
"I- uh... Fell out of bed.."

He chuckled. "Oh really? Well that explains the noise i heard. I thought you dropped something."

"I wish I did.." you began digging into the meal boss had prepared you, enjoying the flavors of a well seasoned eggy bread. The eggy bread was sided with some meat and minced mushrooms. They were so unbelievably small...

Once you finished the meal you handed it back to Boss over the counter. "Thanks for the food, once again. Though I have to get back to something, i did wake up late afterall.."

"Alright (Y/N). You have fun."

Shoving the stool back below the bar, you hurried back upstairs.

So... Boring...
It's been hours.
You yawned, faceplanting onto one of the books you were reading. How long has it been? Why are there so many letters? There's more letters?!

Coming to the realization that you're not 19 but you still forgot how to read, you closed the book anyway.
You figured out nothing, all you learned was the same things you already knew. Though the long lectures about elements and visions did spark your interest.

Picking up a few books you wanted to finish in your room, you headed over to the librarian. It was a woman dressed in purple. "Uh.. Miss.."

The woman turned around, her head tilting slightly as she waited for you to finish your sentence. It only took her a short while to realize you required help. "Whats the matter, cutie?"

You cringed at the nickname, cutie? Atleast she was offering help. For now.. "Uh.. I was wondering if i could take some books with me for a few days. These, to be exact." You gently handed the small pile of books over to the woman. Her face lit up slightly, a soft smile forming on her face. "Why, Ofcourse. Aslong as you return them in time. How long do you need them for?"
You couldn't help but smile back, she seemed like a kind woman. "A week or two will do." The librarian nodded and took out a piece of paper, placing it on top of the books you were carrying. "Then i except it returned in two weeks at most. Enjoy cutie!"

You awkwardly waved while you made your way out of the library. What an interesting encounter.

It was evening by the time you left the library and made your way over to your room. You pushed the door open, making sure not to drop the books that were loosely piled on top of each other.

Your room was dark but bits of moonlight were shining through your window, hitting the surface of your desk. How lovely.
You placed the books down, sitting down on your bed and sinking into the mattress. You didn't do anything.. Exhausting. But the reading was still draining. Consuming information is difficult afterall.


Were your ears playing tricks on you or did you hear something?


This isn't trickery! There! You quickly stood up as you grabbed something that was sticking out from behind your closet.
A small creature dangled from your hands. It looked like a fox but it was a darker red, and spotted. Not to mention, it's tail was awfully long.
A boyish voice came from the creature: "HeY! Let go of me!! WAIT! DON'T DROP ME!"

"Wait.. What?"
You slowly kneeled down, placing the creature on the floor. "Who... Are you?"

"Who am I?! You picked me up without my consent!" The creature clearly wasn't happy with your actions. But wasn't it in your room?
Frustrated, it sat down. It seemed to be cleaning itself. "Tch, well.. If you really want to know. I'm Apple."

"Apple huh.. It's nice to meet you- wait hold on, what are you doing here?!" You held the creature in place again, incase it wished to escape.

"Hey..! Hey! Carefulll..! You should learn not to treat a gentleman like that. I was just looking for food."
You slowly lowered your grip on it.
"Heh, gentleman? But if you're hungry i can get you an apple?"
"Is this mockery?!"
"Oh... Wait.."
You looked through your bag and took out a small piece of fruit, not an apple Ofcourse.

Apple took it from your hands, gently nibbling on it. You couldn't help but smile, though you were curious on why it had the capability to communicate with you. Must be a feature or something.

They seemed to have calmed down a bit and thanked you with a small nod.
"So you're a scavenger, huh?"
Apple looked up at you, tilting his head at your question. "I guess so.. Why?"

You made your way over to the wardrobe, taking out several pieces of cloth and piling them on top of each other. "Then stay here for the night. We can get to know each other better tomorrow."

It's eyes lit up. You could tell they were trying their best to keep up a certain persona. "Thank you.. I suppose."

"Well well then, let's head to bed.."



I'm aliiiiive! Sort of? I had a burnout issue. So I apologize if this chapter is a bit short. But ya'all deserve an update y'know.

I'm going to try keeping a schedule of posting a chapter every once in awhile. Somewhere ranging between once a month or once a week. When I first started this story i got far too excited and did it all in a few days. Bad idea lmao 😪. Beware the burnout demons.

╰─▸ ❝ @azamipatel has
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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2021 ⏰

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