Authors Note

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   About Maria Plumpton:

- I am an out Asexual person who is also on the Aromantic spectrum.  

- When I first came out, I came out to 2 friends.  We were walking through a bush, so there was nobody to overhear.  I handed them some pamphlets about what being queer meant to me to help them understand me.  They responded incredibly well, so we ended up discussing it in more depth than I ever intended.

- I use the pen name Maria Plumpton so I can remain anonymous.

- There are 2 people who helped me with my coming out journey, who probably had no idea they played such a big role in it, who I never thanked.  The first one was the first female I ever had a crush on.  The second one is non-binary and is one of the bravest people I know just because of their ability to walk around and say "This is me".

To all the people who are closeted and reading this:  You don't have to be out to be valid.

Thank you for taking the time to read this short story, and I hope you read some of my future works.  If you have any suggestions of things you would like me to write about, please add it in the comments.

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