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"No wonder they left, who could love you?" A blonde boy giggled, pushing the small brunette into a tree. His name was Taneki, and he was supposedly Nakano's "best friend."

The teal eyed child teared up at the sentence, sniffing through his small nose. "Why would you say that, I thought you were my friend." Nakano whimpered softly, making Taneki furrow his eyebrows. "You're not my friend, freak." The blonde frowned, kicking the smaller boy in the stomach. Nakano screamed and coughed violently, feeling himself weaken even more.

This all started when he left his house, to play with kids he thought were his friends. You see, Nakano was a very clingy and ignorant seven year old, and his "friends" liked... no, loved to take advantage of it.

"Hey guys!" He yelled, waving his little arms in the air.

"Huh? We didn't invite you, freak." One girl laughed, making the brunette lower his arms.

"But... why didn't you invite me? I'm your friend!" Nakano questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.

"We didn't invite you because we don't want you here, duh." She stuck out her tongue, and left with the rest of the group. The poor boy became confused, and frowned slightly.

"How could you get any stupider? No wonder they left, who could love you?"

3 years later

The brunette sat in the cold snow, with only a baggy shirt and shorts to keep him safe from the cold. His small body was shivering furiously, and he was no longer able to feel his hands and feet. He had nowhere else to go. His mother had kicked him out of the house at the age of thirteen. He had been living outside in the cold like this for about a year now, and it's a miracle that he's still alive.

He forgot what human contact was like. He could only make communication and contact with birds and other small animals, regardless, he could still speak. Nobody loved him. He was a reject, a freak. He would cower in fear if any humans were to walk by.

This was all until a certain little boy walked by him, and he was the first person to actually care. His aura felt like a warm, silky gold. Even when he was standing meters away from him.

"Are you alright? You must be freezing." The boy asked, slowly approaching the brunette. Nakano instantly became started and quickly hid behind a tree, shaking violently.

"Hey hey, it's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you. What's your name?" The little boy asked, backing away a tiny bit.

"N-Nakano..." the teal eyed boy spoke softly.

"That's such a pretty name, Nakano. What are you doing out here in the cold all alone? You're gonna get sick." He questioned, kneeling down to the ground.

"My mommy, she kicked me out a year ago." Nakano explained, feeling a cold shiver down his spine.

"What!? That's horrible Nakano! How could someone do that to somebody as beautiful- I mean awesome as you! Why on earth would you get kicked out of your own family!?" The boy gasped, making Nakano take a step back. "I-I don't wanna talk about it." Nakano muttered sadly, making the unknown boy frown and lower his eyebrows.

"You've been out here... cold, and alone... for a year. You must be suffering. I'm so sorry." He frowned, his burgundy eyes glowing with sympathy. Nakano couldn't stop staring into those eyes. For some reason, they looked so kind, so gentle, so beautiful. They were a burgundy colour that sparked a bright pink in the sun. And his pupils were the shape of little white glistening diamonds. Nakano was in awe. He didn't want to be though, he wanted to think women were beautiful. He wanted to like them for their curves and boobs. But he didn't. The only thought in his mind was the way that boys could hold you with their strong arms, and how they hold you close with their warm bodies while you're sleeping. But if he had just liked women? He would have been able to stay home. Even if his mother beat him daily, and his stepfather used him as a sex slave. It's better than being stranded in the snow for almost a year.

"Eh... I'm sorry. I must have zoned out for a bit, hehe. It's j-just that, you have really pretty eyes." Nakano hid is face in embarrassment when he realised what he'd just blurted out, but he soon felt a hand tilt his chin up. The brunettes mind suddenly clouded with worry. Was he going to punch him, slap him? Call him a faggot? No. Instead, the boy smiled with a small blush on his face.

"Well you have a cute laugh, and a beautiful face."

Then Nakano suddenly realised,

'is he flirting with me!?'

Yet, the burgundy eyed boy smiled innocently soon after, like he was completely oblivious to what he had just said. The teal eyed boy sat there, a flustered mess as he attempted to speak.

"Ah, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that. I'm Tanjiro by the way. And I already know your name. Would you like to stay for dinner?" Tanjiro asked kindly, and Nakano nodded nervously. The other boy giggled and softly intertwined his hand with the brunettes, slightly smaller, bandaged one. Tanjiro suddenly pulled Nakano up from the ground, and Nakano yelped as he collapsed into Tanjiro's chest.

"Shit! I'm so sorry! I usually crawl around to get food and stuff, so I haven't walked in a while. I also have a muscle deficiency disorder, so that doesn't help either. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, Tanjiro kun." Nakano apologised frantically, trying his hardest to regain his position. Tanjiro smiled softly and held both of the other boy's hands, helping him stand up properly.

"Hey, I've got an idea. How about you climb onto my shoulders, Nakano kun. It'll be easier to get to my place then." Nakano thought for a bit, and nodded at the idea. He jumped up onto the taller boy's shoulders and held tightly onto his body. The warm feeling made him stop shivering, and he soon fell asleep on Tanjiro.

"Hehe, asleep already? You're so cute, Nakano kun." Tanjiro muttered to himself as he watched his footsteps make rhythm in the snow, and hearing Nakano's softened breathing and heartbeat. Even though Nakano was fast asleep, he still held on to Tanjiro very tight, as if he was so touch starved as to instantly cling on to a person he'd never met before. Tanjiro found his touch relaxing though, he didn't know why, but his scent was so intoxicating and beautiful. It was like a sunny spring day, when all of the Sakura trees had bloomed. It smelled so lively, and so youthful, and Tanjiro loved it.

"Nakano kun, wake up. We're home now." The red eyed boy whispered to the sleeping brunette, and Nakano opened his eyes slowly. He found himself lying in what looked like a soft bed, in a small rustic room.

"Mhm... Tanjiro kun?..." Nakano muttered, sitting himself up on the bed.

"Hey there, you were out for a while, are you feeling better?" Tanjiro asked. Nakano looked over at him, and soon realised that he was sleeping in a very awkward spot.

Tanjiro's lap.

"Yo." Nakano smiled awkwardly and clicked his tongue. 

"Ah, hey there. I brought you some dinner and I explained the situation to my mom. She said you can stay here for a while until you recover. But I keep wondering what will happen when you go." 

Well, let's hope I never recover then, heh." The brunette flirted, giggling slightly. However, the burgundy haired boy was left red and speechless, feeling butterflies in his stomach. 

"Sorry, that was a real corny one. Anyway, thanks for letting me stay."

"Um, sure, no problem." 

[D I V E R S E] TANJIRO KAMADO X MALE OCWhere stories live. Discover now