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Two weeks later, he dreams of a girl named Haeun. He's met her before, in a dream of his apparent 20th  birthday grand ball. His parents had introduced her to him, gushing about how well-mannered and responsible she is. She had smiled at them and his parents left after that. He vaguely remembers her attempting to talk to him, and recalls the look of sadness on her face.

Despite dreading that she's one of the princesses her parents had approved of Jimin marrying, he found himself enjoying her company. While she had been a possible future partner, she didn't seem flirty. In fact, from the start, she had asked him if he was interested in her or if he was the same.

She didn't elaborate on that, but Jimin could guess what she meant.

They had talked for the whole night, and while his parents were delighted to see their son seemingly interested in someone, the two felt the same, but for different purposes.

They had found someone who understood them. Someone who loves another that isn't of nobility. It wasn't explicitly mentioned, but there were implications of their unhappiness of being royalty here and there.

They became friends after that.

That night, when Jimin dreams of her again, he wakes up shooting up his bed this time. His dream parents had told the young prince that he should propose to Haeun already.


For as long as Jimin knew, he's been having dreams about not just this man, but also about him being a prince. It's not that he gets them every day. Sometimes he only gets it about one to three times a month and other times he gets them three to four times a week. But there's one thing that he noticed as time passed—the dreams aren't random.

When he was four – the first time he remembers the dream (although everything was hazy) – he vaguely recalls meeting someone for the first time in his dream. That someone introduced themself and told Jimin his age. Six—that was his age. In turn, Jimin also introduced himself and said he was four – the same age as he was in real life at that time.

As the years pass by, he realizes that his dreams age with him. He recalls celebrating the birthdays of this boy – who he's come to believe is the now grown-up Yoongi hyung – every year. The third day of march—he always dreams about celebrating it with the guy on that day, and each time, he notices how intimate and domestic their interactions have gotten.

What's more is that on the rare occasion that he gets those dreams almost every day, he's convinced that he's reliving his memories at that time, because his dreams aren't random. It's almost as if they're connected. Once when he was seven, he dreamt of spinning mid-air and landing wrongly. He remembers feeling the pain and remembers crying and fainting. The next day, he dreams of waking up to Yoongi sitting on a chair beside his bed, clutching his arm.

He had a cast on in that dream, and in the following dreams for two whole weeks. And in those dreams, Yoongi was always by his side to take care of him until his doctor removed the cast on his leg.

His dreams also never repeat. Not even once. It's almost like watching a movie about a person's journey growing up – except he has the VIP seat as he's seeing it all from the first point of view.

Even though he thinks of the possibilities, he never dares to try and confirm his suspicions. In his dreams, he's a prince. He can guess that much. It would be easy to clear this up with one Google search: Prince Park Jimin. But he's too much of a coward to do so, because what if his theories were true? What then? It would only raise more questions inside him and he's not sure if he's prepared for the answers to those, so he let his dreams be just that—dreams. Nothing more, nothing less. Even if they feel like a distant memory, he would toss that thought aside in a few days.

He also knew he couldn't avoid this forever. He just didn't know that it would be this soon.

When Taehyung came back from his class, he kept annoying Jimin into coming with him to this one museum his professor mentioned in passing.

"What's up with this museum anyway? I mean, you have no trouble visiting museums alone, why convince me to come now?" Jimin huffs, annoyed that his focus on writing a paper is now out the window.

"You'll see when we get there, please? Besides, I want to take my soulmate to dates once in a while." Jimin rolls his eyes at that.

"Just stop chickening out and ask your bunny boy on a museum date." Taehyung sputters at that, face going red. For the next three minutes, he's forced to hear his best friend whine incoherently about something along the lines of "it's not like that."

"Please? Just this once? I really really really would love it if you accompany me." He pushes back the urge to look at Taehyung since he knows that once he does, it's game over. And that's exactly what happened.

With a resigned sigh, he agrees to accompany the younger boy. If only he knew what it meant for him.

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