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He admits, the museum trip is fun. He's enjoying the artifacts displayed on the walls and there are also paintings of various things from back then, like people dancing (he almost squealed when he saw that) and famous painters (Taehyung actually squealed when he saw that). It also helps that the calming and tranquil atmosphere of the museum pushed the stress he got from too much schoolwork at the back of his mind.

The museum trip is fun, until it isn't.

They're almost at the end of the tour when Taehyung gasps and drags Jimin away from the art painting he's been ogling at for the past five minutes. He's about to grunt at his best friend for pulling too enthusiastically when the younger suddenly stops in front of a painting and points.

"This! This is what I wanted to show you! This looks like you!" He feels his stomach drop at that. Unwillingly, his eyes drift to the painting in front of them, and sure enough, it does look like him—except, it is him – or, well... was. He's seen this enough times in his dreams but through the mirror. In the painting, he's wearing a royal black suit, with gold patterns along the middle and on his shoulders.

That's not all.

In the painting, is a woman and a child. When he studies the woman's face, it's like a box has been opened at the back of his mind, and suddenly all interactions he had with one familiar girl flashed through his mind – except this time, he can now see her face.

The girl in the painting is no doubt, Haeun.

He isn't prepared for this—has refused any temptation to search whether Prince Park Jimin does exist, yet here he is now, facing a painting that answers one of his questions, and many more.

Questions he, if possible, didn't want answered.

He doesn't remember much about what happened after that. One moment he was there and the next he's already at home asleep.

"Jimin-ssi, please help me." Haeun ducks her head in shame. Jimin can see her body trembling and her fists clenching at her dress.

"What's wrong?" He asks, worried for the girl he considered his friend for the past months.

"Please marry me." Jimin's heart stills at that, his hand pausing on reaching out to comfort her. Had he heard her right?

"Haeun-ssi... what's... what's all this about?"

"I—please." As if a dam broke, she starts spilling the tears that she's been trying to hold in. Jimin succeeds in not panicking and manages to calm her down from her desperate mantras of "please" and "help me"

Once she's okay enough to form words without breaking down, she starts explaining why she's desperate to marry Jimin, and for a very dire and valid reason.

"If my parents find out I'm pregnant, He's..." she swallows and takes a shaky breath. Jimin already knows where this is going, so he takes her hand in his for support. He's already made up his mind anyway.

"He's going to get killed."

Jimin gulps, his eyes filled with unshed tears.

"Then, Princess Haeun," He stands up from the bench and goes down on one knee in front of her. He knows what this means for him and the man he's come to love, but he also knows what this means for Haeun and her lover. "I forgot the ring in my room but, will you have the pleasure of marrying me?"

Haeun bursts into tears after that—so does Jimin, and they both meet in the middle to hug each other. To outsiders, this might look like a sweet and heartfelt proposal but to them, it only meant one thing.

Haeun was willing to trap herself in a romantic relationship filled with nothing but platonic love just to spare her lover from leaving this world too early.

Jimin was willing to finally face his inevitable fate of having to marry a princess and continue to the throne to save his friend and her lover, but in exchange for his and Yoongi's relationship.

Jimin wakes up at four in the morning muffling his sobs and clutching his chest.

When Taehyung enters his room that morning, asking why the hell Jimin's eye is swollen, he gives off a lame excuse of watching a sappy and tragic movie.

"I don't believe you." Jimin suddenly finds his blanket interesting, unable to look at the younger in the eye.

"Jimin, I've caught you crying while asleep at least once a week ever since we started living together. There's something you're not telling me and I'm worried. And then when we were at the museum-" Jimin tenses at the memory. "-I had to drag your ass home because you stopped functioning after I showed the painting."

"I just... I got creeped out with how identical we looked."

"Enough to make you have a panic attack?" Jimin whips his head to Taehyung in mild shock and curiosity. He had a panic attack?

"I...I'm sensitive..?" He tries to reason, but at this point, he knew that his best friend wouldn't fall for any of his excuses. He sighs. "Listen, Tae, I promised you I'll tell you when I'm ready right? Well, right now, I'm still not so please."

"I'm just worried. You've been acting weird and depressed for the past weeks. I just want to know so I can help." Taehyung finally sits down on Jimin's bed with a sigh. He places his hands on Jimin's shoulders and squeezes them gently. Jimin doesn't say it aloud but he appreciates the grounding gesture.

Once again, guilt bubbles in his stomach. His best friend is only worried yet he's being secretive and pushing him away. A part of him reminds Jimin that his suspicions are confirmed anyway so it's not as ridiculous as he thought since there is evidence. However, that doesn't stop fear from clouding his mind.

"I'll tell you soon, I promise. Please, just wait a little bit longer." Taehyung purses his lips for a moment as if thinking.


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