Chapter 5: Dinner Dates

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The girls are awoken by the sound of knocking on their chamber door. "Come in," Evangeline said groggily. Victoria opened her eyes and then went back to sleep.

Mariam came in through the door quietly as not to disturb the girls any further. She quietly walked over to the girls' vanity and set up all her supplies. Once she did that, she went into Victoria's closet and pulled out her red and white peasant dress along with her matching red and white shoes. Then she went into Evangeline's closet and pulled out her blue and white peasant dress along with her matching blue and white shoes.

When the girls finally woke up, they saw that their dresses were on their screens and their shoes by their beds. Then they saw, Mariam standing by the girls' vanity chair looking a little tired. Victoria smiled at Mariam as she got out of bed and over to her screen. Mariam returned the smile and asked Evangeline, "May I assist you, Princess, in getting ready for today, by doing your hair?" Evangeline smiled and nodded her head in a 'Yes!' motion.

Evangeline got up and sat down in the vanity chair, sitting very still as Mariam went to work on her hair. While Victoria was finishing up putting her peasant dress on, Mariam was adding the finishing touch to Evangeline's hair.

"Are you excited about getting to go into town again, Eva?" Victoria asked her sister, while she was putting on her shoes. Evangeline smiled at her sister through the mirror and said, "Yes. I can't wait to meet up with Gwen and go into town!" Victoria returned the smile and chuckled heartily at her sister's reaction.

"There. All done. I'm glad that you fair maidens are excited to help my daughter get food and supplies in town," Mariam said as Victoria sat down in the vanity chair while Evangeline was getting ready behind her screen.

"We're just happy to help a friend in need," Victoria said smiling at Mariam through the mirror.


The girls were walking through the busy market place helping Gwen get food for her and Gwen was helping the girls get food.

"What exactly are you two planning on doing with all that food?" Gwen asked as she was looking at the several foods the girls had gathered.

Victoria looked at Evangeline with a mishcevious look in her eyes. "It's a surprise for Arthur and Merlin. Will you please tell them to go to see our Uncle Gaius this evening?" Evangeline said to Gwen in a all-to-sweet voice.

Gwen looked skeptical as she nods her head. "Of course, m'lady!" Gwen curtsied and smiled at the girls.

The trio was making their way back to the castle, when they suddenly see Merlin and Arthur fighting with each other. Again. Evangeline ran over, getting a broom in the process, and blocked Merlin's attack on Arthur. Merlin is taken aback at how quickly Evangeline blocked the attack. While on the other hand, Arthur is just awe-struck that the girl he loves saved him.

Victoria took this time to run up and kick the brooms out of Merlin and Arthur's hands. "Just stop it! You two are acting like small children!" Evangeline and Victoria said at the same time, looking sternly at the two men.

"We want you two to come to our Uncle Gaius' for dinner. We're planning on making it," Evangeline and Victoria said in unison.

Arthur and Merlin took a minute to think about it and then Arthur finally spoke. "I'll go, but only if I get to sit by the beautiful Evangeline." While saying that, Arthur bowed and kisses the back of Evangeline's hand. Evangeline tried to hide her blush by turning her head to the side a little bit.

Merlin scowled at Arthur's comment and behavior. He looked around and saw a flower that hadn't started to bloom yet. Evangeline noticed that Merlin looked at the rose. She hears him mumble something under his breath and the flower seemed to blossom.

"Well if you get to sit by, as you say, the beautiful Evangeline. Then I get to sit by the gorgeous flower Victoria!" Merlin said bowing and giving Victoria the rose.

Victoria covered her blush with the rose as Merlin softly smiled at her. Arthur, however, narrowed his eyes at Merlin knowing that Merlin was trying to make Evangeline jealous.

"That would be great! We'll see you at seven-o'clock," Victoria said smiling at Merlin through the rose. Arthur smiled once again at Evangeline, while Merlin's smile grew wider.


The girls came rushing through their Uncle Gaius' door. They started looking for him frantically so they could ask him something of important urgency.

"Uncle Gaius? Uncle Gaius? We need to ask you something of important urgency!" The girls called out in unison.

Gaius came out from around the pile of books he had stacked on the tables. "What is it girls?" Gaius asked looking tired, but smiling for the girls' sakes.

"Can we use your table for dinner tonight?" Victoria asked her Uncle, while still trying to catch her breath.

Gaius looked between the girls suspiciously for a moment. Then he finally said, "I don't know what you girls are up to, but since I will be helping King Uther make preparations for tomorrow evening you can use whatever you need to."

The girls smiled at each other and then gave their Uncle a hug. "Thank you Uncle Gaius! Thank you so much!" Evangeline said smiling and laughing at the same time.

Once the girls had prepared all the food that they decided on for dinner, they went ahead and got changed into more comfortable clothes. When they girls reached Merlin's room, Victoria immediately went and got out her everyday dress. Once she retrieved it, she went into the closet and changed into her all black dress with a golden belt.

Evangeline was busy brushing her hair out and searching for some more comfortable shoes out of the ones she had with her. When Victoria was done dressing, she slipped out of her shoes and went back into the closet to find a pair of shoes, out of the ones she had with her, that matched her dress.

When Victoria came back outside of the closet, Evangeline was changing into her everyday dress behind the closet door. After Victoria slipped into her matching black shoes, she put on her gold pendant necklace held on by a single black ribbon. She then brushed her hair out and sat on Merlin's bed.

Evangeline came out from behind the closet door wearing her elegant blue and gold dress and then quickly got out of her brown shoes. After she slipped her blue and gold shoes on, Victoria turned toward her sister and asked if her sister would do her hair.

Evangeline smiled at her sister and said, "Sure. Why not?" Victoria smiled and sat very still on the bed while her sister was fixing her hair into a braided crown.

When the girls were completely ready, Victoria opened the door and looked at her sister. "Let's go meet our princes," Victoria said laughing as she saw the glare her sister was giving her.

"Oh shut up, Vickie!" Evangeline said through gritted while she was blushing. Victoria was still laughing when she said, "You know you love me."

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