Chapter 9: The Trials Of Love

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~The Next Day~

Victoria woke up to her sister humming to herself as she was getting dressed, behind her screen, for the day. "Why are you waking me up with all this noise, Eva?" Victoria asked her sister in a groggily way.

Evangeline chuckled lightly and said, "It's not noise dear sister. It's music. Music that comes from the heart and soul."

Victoria mumbled something into her pillow, as she slowly got up out of bed. After she balanced herself from nearly falling on the floor, Victoria went in search of her outfit for the day. After Evangeline finished getting dressed in her blue, gold, and magenta colored dress along with matching blue and gold shoes, she started brushing her hair. Once Victoria picked out her full length red dress with black and white embroidery, she went behind her screen and started changing into her dress.

"So, it seems that Knight Valiant likes you. Do you like him? And before you get mad at me, please answer honestly," Evangeline said to her sister while finishing up brushing her hair.
Victoria was silent for a long time and then finally said, "I don't know Eva. I have a huge crush on Merlin, but at the same time I have a small crush on Knight Valiant."

Evangeline was silent for awhile, processing what her sister just said. After Victoria came out from behind her screen in her dress and matching red and black shoes, Evangeline looked at her sister and wore a hard expression on her face.

Victoria started fixing her sister's hair into an updo, when Evangeline finally spoke. "Who do you love more, Tori? Merlin or Knight Valiant?" Evangeline asked her sister while looking down at her hands.

When Victoria didn't answer and continued to fix Evangeline's hair, she spoke again. "Tori, I know you probably don't want to answer my questions. But it's not that hard, all you have to do is listen to your heart. What does your heart say? If it says Merlin, then you're meant to be with Merlin. If it says Knight Valiant, then you're meant to be with Knight Valiant."

Victoria still didn't look at or say anything to her sister until she was done fixing her hair. "There. I'm done with your hair."

After Victoria brushed her hair out, the girls were off to go meet up with Morgana at the Tournament arena.


~After the First Day of the Tournament~

Evangeline, Victoria, and Morgana walked over towards Arthur with smiles plastered on their faces. "You did amazing out there!" The girls said enthusiastically.

Arthur smiled arrogantly accepting the praise. He looked over at Evangeline with a twinkle in his eyes. "M'lady, there is someone that I would like you to meet," Arthur said taking Evangeline by the hand and walking her over to where a single Knight was standing.


While Arthur and Eva were off talking to what looked like a new Camelot Knight. Interesting. Anyway, while they were gone, I stole a glance at Merlin.

He seemed to be off in thought as he was staring at Eva. There's not a surprise there, I thought bitterly. It seems that everywhere I turn, the guy I like or possibly love becomes taken with my sister and her beauty. Why did my sister have to get the beauty gene? I thought a little hurt that she seemed to have grabbed the attention of Merlin.

I was quickly broken from my thoughts by Morgana shaking my arm lightly. "Tori, are you alright? Can you hear me?" Morgana asked me with a little bit of concern in her voice.
I nodded my head absently as I continued to stare between Merlin and Eva.


After Arthur walked me over to where a a Knight was standing, he shook the guy's hand. He then looked at me and said, "Evangeline, this is Knight Lancelot. He is a new Knight serving for Camelot."

I curtsied in a form of respect and welcome. "It is very nice to meet you," I said as my eyes locked with his. For a moment, it felt like sparks and fireworks were being sent off. It only lasted for a second, but I knew that I was in love.

Once the two of us were introduced, we started up a conversation. We laughed or giggled when the other made jokes. Even though Lancelot never said he loved me, I knew. I knew by the brush of our hands together. I knew by the way we looked at each other. I knew...I just knew.

After Lancelot and Arthur excused themselves from the conversation, I started to make my way back over to my sister. I stopped immediately when I turned around, because I saw Merlin was staring at me. I blushed and I have no idea why. I'm in love with Lancelot...or was it Arthur?! I don't know! I'm so confused! All I want to do is go to the woods so I can clear my head and think.


~The Last Day of the Tournament~

Gwen and Lancelot had been hanging out a lot more recently and she even told the girls that they were in love. The girls were so happy for them when they heard the news.

With the help of Victoria, Evangeline realized that she was in fact, in love with Arthur. She was so happy when she listened to her heart and it said Arthur.

Victoria, on the other hand, still wouldn't take her sister's advice and listen to her heart. A part of her knew that she was in love with Merlin, but then a small part of her knew that she was developing feelings for Knight Valiant.

Morgana was jealous of how Victoria took Knight Valiant away from her. She was angry, but she wasn't going to let it show. She would get her revenge in due time.


~At The Feast For The Champions~

The girls got dressed in their most regal looking clothes. Evangeline wore her blue, magenta, and gold dress along with matching blue and gold shoes. She also wore her hair down and in a braided crown, Victoria wore her full-length red dress with black and white embroidery. She also wore matching red and black shoes. She wore her hair up in a bun with a few small strands hanging out to frame her face.

Evangeline was escorted to the feast by Arthur. Victoria was escorted to the feast by Sir William. Every chance Victoria got, she tried to look at and go to Merlin. Evangeline was smiling and looking loving at Arthur as they were talking with each other. Victoria was still trying to be discreet with escaping Sir William's grasp. Victoria stole a few glances at Merlin and saw hurt and protectiveness in his eyes. Sir Peter must have seen Victoria stealing glances at Merlin, because his grip on her tightened. 

After Arthur and Evangeline's conversation came to a close, he politely excused himself to go talk with Merlin. Victoria looked over at her sister by herself and saw that as an opportunity to get away from Sir Peter. 

"Sir Peter, it was so lovely to be in your company, but my sister is beckoning me over!" Victoria said in mock politeness as she curtsied and left to go see her sister. Evangeline started to laugh as she took in her sister's disheveled look.

 "Tori, I probably don't want to know the answer to this question, but what happened?" Evangeline asked her sister while trying not to laugh to hard. Victoria let out a huff of exasperation, as she spoke.

 "I tried desperately to get away from Sir Peter on more than one occasion. But his grip on me only tightened more," Victoria spoke looking around the room until her eyes fell upon Merlin. Evangeline smiled softly at her sister as she saw who Victoria was looking at.

 "I take it, you listened to your heart?" Evangeline asked her sister while her smile grew wider. Victoria smiled enthusiastically as she said, "I did Eva. I did. I was so happy when I heard that it was Merlin." Victoria looked at her sister now. "I'm in love with him with my whole heart now. I'm so excited that I can finally love someone with my entire being. But it's not just someone. It's Merlin." Evangeline's smile widened even more as the girls were hugging each other. However the hug was cut short when Arthur and Merlin walked over to the girls.

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