Chapter 6: Love in all the wrong places

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When the door of Merlin's chamber opened, Arthur and Merlin immediately stopped their bickering and stood up for the girls as they entered the room.

Victoria entered the room first, and Merlin was awe-struck by her beauty and elegance. Then Evangeline walked in, and Merlin seemed to be swept off his feet by her beauty.

Arthur must have noticed that, because he immediately walked over to Evangeline and asked for her hand. She was shocked at first, but then gave Arthur her hand and he led her to her seat. Then he gracefully sat back down in his seat with a big toothy smile plastered on his face.

Merlin then walked over to Victoria, bowed, and gave her his hand. Victoria blushed and placed her hand in his. Merlin stood back up, smiling at Victoria, and led her to her seat. Then he gracefully went back to his seat sending a smirk Arthur's way.

The group was having a nice meal until Arthur and Merlin got into another argument. The girls' desperate attempts to calm them down and get back to the meal was hopeless. Then as if someone was answering the girls' desperate pleas for help, King Uther walked into the room and walked directly over to Evangeline.

Everyone immediately stood up, the guys bowed and the girls curtsied. King Uther looked directly at Evangeline and said, "I need to have a word with you alone. Meet me in the throne room in three hours."

Evangeline curtsied again as she said, "Yes father. I shall not be a minute later." King Uther smiled and then as if in one swift motion, he left the room with a smile on his face.

Merlin looked at Evangeline and said, "Since this is going nowhere, do you want to take a walk with me around the castle."

Evangeline was about to respond when Arthur said rather abruptly, "No! She's already walking with me."

Evangeline and Victoria looked between Arthur and Merlin a little confused as to what they were talking about.

Then, Arthur turned towards Evangeline and extended out his hand, and Evangeline took his hand blushing slightly. As the two were walking out, Evangeline could here her sister say in a song-songy voice, "Arthur and Evangeline sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Arthur chuckled lightly as Evangeline rolled her eyes at her sister's behavior.


While Evangeline and Arthur were walking down the hallways, she noticed that Arthur was holding a box. Is there a ring in that box? Is he going to propose to me? Evangeline thought.
Then the pair stopped walking, at first Evangeline was confused then she saw Arthur get down on one knee and open the box only to reveal a simple silver bracelet. Engraved on the inside of the bracelet, it had the words 'To My Dear Angel Evangeline — Since the first moment I saw you, you were the sun to my sky and the crystal to my heart. I hope that we can forever be friends!' Then attached to the front of the bracelet is a small silver heart with a crystal in the center.

Evangeline put her hands on her face covering her nose and mouth as she started to cry tears of joy and happiness. "Arthur it's so beautiful!" Evangeline said a little muffled to Arthur due to her hands covering half of her face.

"Just like you," Arthur said a little cockily. Evangeline blushed but this time she didn't try to hide it, she wanted to let it show.

Once Arthur was standing straight up again, he helped put the bracelet on Evangeline's wrist.


When Evangeline finally made it to the throne room, King Uther walked over to her with a smile on his face. "I think I may have found the perfect suitor for you," King Uther said giving his 'daughter' a hug.

Evangeline had a look of hopefullness and frightful was on her face as she was awaiting the suitor's name.

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