❧C H A P T E R [٢]☙

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❦Cover By: ???
❦All I own is Writing and Story Idea, do not question Aging and Aging Points, they just age by random, Historically inaccurate, Translations are inaccurate

❦I decided Country/Region/City/Town/Tribe/state/etc humans can be LGBTQ +, no matter the religion since they aren't really real? I mean the country/region/state/town/tribe/etc is but countryhumans aren't really, so deal with it.
Also don't even try calling me Haram, and no hate to any country, religion, tribe, culture etc, since I'll delete the comment. Don't like that? Deal with it.

❦People's flag will be their Company, Organisation, town, village, tribe or city flag. Plain Families will have a coat of arms as their flag.

❦Here is where the countries/organisations/companies/cities/states/towns/region live (It's a made up Island that is surronded in red lines), the tribes, villages and random flagged people live across the world.

أتمنى أن تكون جميعًا بأمان وصحة وسعادة! -المؤلف

Once the car was silent and the guard watching them was asleep, ISIS and his gang at the front started to mess around and play music Saudi Arabia made some neck crack noises and everyone took the signal to close their eyes no matter what.

Saudi Arabia put his mask under his chin with struggle and ripped the ropes on his wrists using his teeth.

His friends were confused as one by one he ripped their ropes off and pulled his mask on signalling them to open their eyes. They looked at him like he had just done magic.

Bahrain choked the guard not to death but unconsciousness. They grabbed the weapons he had held and once the car parked somewhere unknown just in a grew deserted dumpster field, they were brought out only to be in a standoff.

"Idiots, you should have known, fucking fools, urgghhh, drop the guns."

"If we drop the guns, who knows what you're going to do to us, we'll drop the guns if you let us leave. "Qatar snarled.

ISIS shot at Qatar's hand and he dropped the gun, clutching his bleeding hand, Kuwait, and Lebanon had the other two guns.

Saudi Arabia was sweating, one of them was already injured and if Lebanon and Kuwait tried to hand their guns to one of the more skilled people in the group with guns then they would get shot in the middle of it.

Someone's phone soon vibrated, really bad time. ISIS couldn't hear but Israel picked up his phone. It was UN.

"We've heard what happened, what going on now-"

Israel got his arm shot and he dropped the phone, UN could still hear what was going on since ISIS was stupid enough to think he broke the phone. He cussed and ISIS shouted at them, exclaiming that they drop the guns and get down on their knees.
They refused.

"kay, how about this, I'll let you all free, but I want the most important one out of you...Saudi Arabia." He smirked.

"Heck no!" UAE snapped, taking Arabia behind him, covering him with his arm, frowning at the enemy.

Saudi Arabia cowered behind his friend, in fear. He had heard horror stories of his cruelty from Iraq, Syria, and Kurdistan. The man was truly a monster, the thought of being in the hands of him, was just...unbelievably sickening. What the man had done to women, men, children, small infants...he had no mercy. He once met someone who was a Yazidi staying in Germany, what happened to her was so sad. (If you want you can check out of an actual interview of a Yazidi girl who explains the horrors, what happens in ISIS is horrible, I'll explain what happened in short)

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