❧C H A P T E R [٤]☙

668 7 12

❦Cover By: ???
❦All I own is Writing and Story Idea, do not question Aging and Aging Points, they just age by random, Historically inaccurate, Translations are inaccurate

❦I decided Country/Region/City/Town/Tribe/state/etc humans can be LGBTQ +, no matter the religion since they aren't really real? I mean the country/region/state/town/tribe/etc is but countryhumans aren't really, so deal with it.
Also don't even try calling me Haram, and no hate to any country, religion, tribe, culture etc, since I'll delete the comment. Don't like that? Deal with it.

❦People's flag will be their Company, Organisation, town, village, tribe or city flag. Plain Families will have a coat of arms as their flag.

❦Here is where the countries/organisations/companies/cities/states/towns/region live (It's a made up Island that is surronded in red lines), the tribes, villages and random flagged people live across the world.





Anyway. I'm bac from haitus and I'm trying to get used to speed writing again so understand my dumbass feels like I've just been born or something.

Sorry its short, but I'll post next week- Hopefully. Probably. Inshallah-

أتمنى أن تكون جميعًا بأمان وصحة وسعادة! -المؤلف

Saudi Arabia woke up, his eyelids heavy and seeing that he was in a blank room.
He opened his eyes and saw that he didn't have a mask on. Now panicking, he shot his head up and saw W.H.O.

"Don't worry, only me saw what's under the mask. Mind if I do some check-ups on you?" He asked.

KSA was still upset someone saw, but at least he could go to the hospital or something without worrying.
He nodded yes and W.H.O inspected his teeth and admired the scar on his lip.

"What's going to happen to Ece?" He wondered.

"The girl? We don't know...UN says he might put her in a foster home. Also...your voice, it's really nice, you should talk more often." W.H.O informed.

"Can you ask UN I would like to adopt her?" He smiled.

"That's sweet of you! I'll go tell him now but let me find you a mask." W.H.O smiled.

Saudi Arabia gently got off the bed, the light hospital gown reached his knees, so he was barefooted.

He had plasters and bandages all over his body, so he wombled a bit when he took his first couple of steps.
How long had he been unconscious?

W.H.O came back in with a mask with his sword design, and he pulled it on.

"UN has agreed, but you need to answer some questions. Also, take these crutches, I don't care how long you've managed to walk and survive without any aid, you need these." W.H.O snapped.

KSA nodded and took them.

"I'll leave and you can come out of the room anytime to see some visitors. Take your time, I understand it's been a long time since you've seen your friends." W.H.O finally finished, leaving.

KSA took a couple of deep breaths and peeked through the door. There was Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Kurdistan, Syria, Turkey, UAE, and Yemen all sitting in chairs in what looked like a waiting room worried.

They all looked beyond tired, and had huge bags under their eyes, as if they hadn't slept in days.
He could see Iraq, Syria and Kurdistan ready to cry, as it had been their fault for not stopping ISIS.

"Kurdistan?" Israel muttered.

"...Yeah?..." The Kurd muttered back.

"Can I hold your hand?" Israel shyly asked, glancing over to looked at his tired face.

*LET ME STATE ONE THING: Kurdistan 100% he likes Woman, he nows he's straight, but at teh same time he has no idea if he likes other genders, he is not romantically interested in anyone at the moment, I am just doing this because Israel is a thirsty little hoe for his attention-

The Kurd didn't say anything for a bit, but nodded his head, letting the Israeli lock their hands.

KSA felt little proud. Israel was going to being ranting about how this would be 'the best moment' of his life.

He opened the door and walked out.

"Oh, Thank Allah, you're safe!" Iraq sighed.

KSA was attacked by hugs from everyone, they were all crying, although Kurdistan looked calmer, still sat down with Israel, not noticing he was still holding Israel's hand.

"Want to finish that sleepover?" Bahrain smirked, sniffling, wiping his tears away.

KSA excitedly nodded, he wanted his friends to tell him what happened after all the months.
KSA looked over to Israel.

"I don't mind joining, but Kurdistan and I betted that if you were safe and alive, he'd relax and FINALLY admit it wasn't his fault. So, this guy will probably be sleeping the entire time." Israel laughed.

Kurdistan grumbled.

KSA was soon allowed to Ece, who was thankfully safer and healthier than him.

"Birisi senin yeni babam olduğunu söyledi." (Someone said you were my new father.) Ece mumbled.

KSA nodded, smiling under his mask and Ece squealed with joy, hugging KSA tightly.
All his friends instantly said 'hello' to the little girl and Turkey felt a little sense of pride as the child was Turkish.

Ece asked if she could go the sleepover and KSA agreed. Israel then bugged Kurdistan to bring his kids since they might make friends with Ece.

Later that night, everyone was chilling at UAE's house.
Can I just compliment how beautiful it is-

They were all in one big room, wearing Pyjamas and sitting down on some pillows, couches or a bed, with chai, baklava, tulumba, Kunafeh, Halva, Turkish delight, and watermelon.

Rojava and Bakilat were braiding Ece's hair and talking with her. Kurdistan's boys were bored and playing chess.

They were all laughing, and enjoying their time, sipping their tea and eating their food.
KSA was allowed to rant about ISIS being a bitch for an entire hour with his friends watching patiently, though when he signed it was pretty fast.

Ece and Bakilat were around the same age and were talking about their favourite song, till Ece mentioned KSA's voice.

"Wait...You can talk?!" Qatar questioned.

KSA: I prefer not to!

"That's completely fine!" Syria insisted.

They continued talking till Saudi Arabia's phone vibrated. It was a text from work. What the hell?! He literally escaped one of the craziest men in the world and he's receiving a text for work?! Give him a break-

<You're meeting with the Pope, Vatican City, has been moved to next Wednesday.>

Iraq and Kurdistan assured him the guy was decently nice.
KSA realised he hadn't learnt enough Italian sign language and look unamused, he should start practicing as soon as he can, but for now, he should just relax.

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