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hello again

I'm rereading LLCC and it seems I have a few things I could do.

When I wrote this, I wrote it as a joke and only a joke; I was not at ALL committed.

I know I don't have a huge follower base, but I have a few ideas in mind:

1, I could restart LLCC with the same plot but LITERALLY just better written

2, I could make edits to the current chapters and continue from where I am now, or

3, I could scrap the current idea and remake LLCC as a whole

now, the reason I mentioned follower base is because I don't wanna make the choice by myself; I wanna have the people who READ the story to choose. However, as I said before, my follow count isn't big and I only have around 1K views. If I get some replies I'll take them into consideration, but if I don't, I'll make the choice myself.

thanks again,

alex ✨

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