Chapter three

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The next morning was quiet.  No ruffles no shouting no noise of breaking bottles. The view of sun rise from the window was fascinating.
So this is what it feels like to have a normal peaceful morning I thought to myself. I don't know how long I stared at the window becausee next thing I feel someone staring at me. I turned to see Leo looking at me.

"Good morning" he smiled.
"Good morning " I smiled back.

"I guess you haven't had such a very beautiful morning in a long time" he said.

" Well you guessed right" I laughed a little.
"Isn't that one of drake's shorts and shirt" , he looked at me confused.
" Ohh yeah he lent it to me" he nodded. Just then drake came into view. In nothing but just a short and may I say he was looking so hot. Damn.

"Good morning guys" he greeted.
"Good morning" we responded.
" I need to talk to you" he said gesturing to Leo. Leo nodded and followed drake out of the room.

I went to close the door when realization dawned on me. I live in a house with three hot boys omg. I know I lived with Billy and his group but let me tell you this is different. The boys from Billy's group aren't as attractive as drake's and I'm sure this isn't all of them.

I finished dressing and went to meet the boys.

Leo's Pov

I followed behind drake leaving Josie in her room. We went to the kitchen to find james preparing breakfast. His infamous morning bacon.
He hears us coming and nods at us. That's like his way of greeting because he doesn't really talk much sometimes.

"So what did you want to talk about" I asked drake while going to the refrigerator to get myself some milk.
" It's about Josie" he said taking a seat on the kitchen stool.

I sat across him with my milk in hand.
"Yeah what about her?".

"James you also need to hear this. You can continue cooking just listen" he said looking at James. I hope it's nothing serious. Did he find out if she's working with Billy or anybody.

"Okay. I had the guys find all the possible information they can about Josie which they've done. And what I'm I'm about to say may shock you guys" he said hesitantly.

James and I gave each other a look and gestured for drake to continue.

" Okay. Josie was trained by her grandmother because apparently her parents were too young to have her so they abandoned. Her grandmother told her, her parents were dead meaning she thinks she's an orphan. This happened when she was about some months old. Her grandmother took her in as her own child. She ensured she went to a very suitable school and made it through college which josie did and came out excellently". Drake stopped and looked at us. I was the first to respond.

" Chill chill... When you say she thinks she's an orphan does that mean her parents are still alive?? "

" I'm not very sure about that yet but possibly yes" he said nodding his head.

" What about her grandmother cause I recur her saying she has nowhere to go to" James asked this time.

" Her grandmother died when she was about graduating from college" drake said feeling pity for her. We all feel for her. She's obviously been through alot.

"And her parents didn't take her back?" I asked him.

" I don't know about that. I don't know how she managed to finish college. That's all the facts they were able to find out i guess only Josie can give us the answers to those but not the full truth because she doesn't know about all this and also no one should mention this to her until I'm sure she's ready to know about it". I thought about what he said and I guess so did james because we both nodded.
"Good" drake said. As james was about to say something else, Josie walked in. Hair wet, skin soaked and she's still in drake's shorts and shirt. I got to admit I'm a little jealous I'd love to see a girl in my clothes someday.

"Why are y'all so quiet like you're at a funeral" she said looking at everyone of us.
We just laughed. She sure has a good sense of humor. She smiled.

" But seriously is anything wrong" she asked now serious.

"Don't  worry about it ... It's nothing serious" drake responded.

"Are  you hungry?" , I asked

"Oh hell yes I am. What time is it anyways?"

"quarter  past eleven" james replied

" What!!?.. Are you serious? I slept for that long. Oh God I'm sorry" she said looking at us sadly. Why is she apologizing?

" Why are you apologizing" drake asked reading my mind.

" For waking up late and not helping out with the chores and stuff" she said slowly. We all laughed not at her but what she said. She looked so lost.

"Sweetheart there's nothing to be sorry about, we don't do house chores we have a maid that does that and I think she should almost be done by now" drake said holding in his laughter while james and I just couldn't help it.

"You should see your face right now" I laughed. "You don't need to worry about anything like that tho as far as you're with us. What you should worry about now is getting some clothes for yourself because I'm very sure you have nothing to wear even underwear", I said smirking.
She looked down at her body and her cheeks flushed deep red. She stood up immediately.
"Uh excuse me" she said and took off.
"Leo!!" Drake exclaimed. We just kept laughing. Her reaction was just so hilarious.
"dude you're sick" James said.

Josie's Pov
I ran. I fucking ran like a fool. I opened the door to my room and closed it with a loud bang with my back. I closed my eyes and tried to believe that this was just a dream. Then...

"Excuse me.. you must be josie. Am I right?" Someone asked.

I opened my eyes with a lot of speed that the light of the room hit with great force.

"Ahhh" I yelled.
"Omg I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" the voice said.

I opened my eyes slowly to see a middle aged woman. She's beautiful. She has brown eyes. Red hair and she's light skin.

"Are you alright? " She asked concerned.

"Yes  I'm fine. I'm sorry but who are you? "
"Ohh  I'm Marlene the house maid" she replied. My mouth was in an o shape.

"Nice to meet you, Marlene. I'm josie" I said.
"Oh I know. The boys already told me about you and God were they right you are really beautiful". She commented.
I blushed and looked away.

" They said that?"
"Of course" she said it like it was nothing and continued with cleaning the room.

" Ohkay" I said dropping the topic.
I looked to see her dressing my bed.

"Oh no you don't have to do that" I told her.
" Don't worry about it dear, it's my job anyways" she said.
" No no I insist. I'll feel bad letting you do it" I told her honestly. This is just like watching my mom dress my bed for me although I don't have or haven't ever experienced it I still know what it feels like.

She smiled "okay but if you need anything don't hesitate to tell me" I nodded.

" Thank you", I told her.
She was about to leave when I remembered.

"Actually I need something" I told her. She stopped and turned back to me.

Author : Am I the only who thinks Marlene is sweet? I like her already.

Josie is a nice girl tho

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