8|| Leave

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A/N: Here's chapter 8. Enjoy, people.

The funeral was arranged swiftly and quietly.

Harry organised the entire thing, knowing that Iris had too much on her plate to deal with the issue. The coffin was made from simple oak with Elise's name carved on a gold plaque. It was a unanimous decision to not have an open-casket funeral. Iris didn't think she could handle seeing her mother's body again.

On the day, Iris walked around with a heavy heart. She had been living with her family for two weeks by that time and had settled into some semblance of a routine.

After lunch- which she was permitted to have alone in her room- Iris dressed in clothes of the deepest black and stared at her deadened reflection in the mirror. The ache refused to leave her chest, slowly spreading through her body.

"Iris?" Lisa knocked on the door, "Harry is here to pick you up."

Iris pushed herself up, feeling almost weightless yet her shoulders hunched as if she carried the heaviest burden in the world. The family had been trying to get closer, but Iris was resolute to never let them in.

"We will be taking separate cars, but will meet you there, Iris." David said softly.

Iris had been studiously avoiding his gaze all day, but at this statement she looked up. A wave of disgust curled inside of her. "What?"

"At the- uh, at the cemetery. We will be meeting you there. Me, Damien, Elijah, and Brandon."

"No. You won't. The funeral is only open to close friends and family, and you certainly weren't either of them. None of you."

"We just want to say our goodbyes too."

"I think you said your goodbyes pretty damn well nine years ago."

The words hung heavy between them like a huge chasm that could never be crossed. David stepped back as if Iris had physically struck him, hurt swimming in his blue eyes.

"I don't want you there," Iris continued, stepping over the threshold, "Mum wouldn't want you there. So leave us alone. Please, just for today."

Without waiting for an answer, she strode across the gravel path and sat in the black car, slamming the door behind with much more force than necessary.

"You alright, Rainbow?" Jax's voice was tight and laden with sadness.

Iris looked over at Jax and gave a tiny shake of her head. His face crumpled with grief he reached over to interlace their fingers together. Iris accepted this gratefully, leaning into his side as they pulled out of the drive.

"I've set everything up. A few of El- Elise's friends are joining us too." Harry spoke gruffly from the driver's seat, his knuckles white from how hard he was clutching the wheel.

"Thanks Dad," Iris whispered.

They arrived shortly after. The sun shone weakly through patches of fluffy white clouds, bathing the world in its warm rays. A slight breeze drifted through the air bringing with it the scent of jasmine and Iris closed her eyes, the embers of grief stirred in her heart. Mum's favourite flower...

"Ready?" Harry asked, kissing the side of Iris's head.

She nodded and took a deep breath, wiping her sweaty hands on her jeans.

"She would have loved this spot," Jax said softly, staring at the colourful flowers splashed around the border of the graveyard- the only other sign of life.

"That's why I chose it. Elise deserves the best- even in death." Harry said, wiping away a tear that slipped down his face.

Iris tried to stay strong. But the ceremony barely started and she was crying so much that her surroundings blurred. People offered empty condolences and sympathies, trying to reach out to the lost girl.

Iris sank to her knees, the grass soft under her touch and clutched her chest, the pain steadily increasing. Harry pulled her into his embrace and she sobbed, memories flashing through her mind.

"Don't be sad, little phoenix," Elise cooed, gently wiping the tears from her daughter's face and bandaging the nasty wound on her leg. "I'm here for you. I will always be there for you."

Six-year-old Iris hiccupped and stared at her with wide eyes, sticking out her pinky finger. "You promise?"

Elise smiled and looped her pinky around Iris's finger. "I promise."

What a lie, Mum, Iris thought now, squeezing her eyes shut. You should've told me always doesn't last forever.

Jax placed a bouquet of flowers by the simple headstone, his eyes puffy and red. He wiped away the flecks of dirt with his sleeve and cast his gaze up. He frowned. "Hey, Iris? Isn't that your family?"

Iris stood abruptly, her grief found an outlet and gave way to anger. She stormed down the track, towards the four figures coming closer.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" She screamed, shoving Brandon back. Her blue eyes blazed furiously. "GET OUT!"

"Iris, please!" David begged, "Please let me-"

"No!" Iris stepped back, "You had your chance. You had nine fucking years! Now leave!"

The boys stepped back, but David refused to be deterred. He held a single rose and a letter. "I just want to put this on her grave."

In a blind fit of rage, Iris grabbed the letter from his hands and tore it into tiny pieces and then crushed it into the dirt. Her chest rose and fell with each laboured breath, the anger ebbed away. "She's dead. She deserves a break. Don't bother her now."

David stared at the tiny white flecks. The thorns of the rose cut into his palm, but he didn't show any signs of feeling the pain. He gave the tiniest of nods and turned on his heels, his sons following in his steps.

Iris wiped her eyes and sniffed, turning around and walking away- further and further from her family.


I hope you guys liked it!

Stay safe and thanks for reading :)

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