District 13

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Katniss POV:
After being knocked down I open eyes and watch as the force field is destroyed and the arena dome begins to collapse around me, then a hovercraft flies down and lowers its crane to pull me up. I wake up and I see Beetee next to me unconscious. I stand up pick up a syringe and walk further along when I hear Haymitch on the other side of a door.

"She's gonna lose it when she finds out about the boy." Haymitch says.
"She'll still cooperate, though?" Plutarch asks warily.
"Without Peeta, there's no guarantee." Haymitch responds.
"Just tell her her when..." Finnick gets cut off by the doors opening

I open the door and see Haymitch with Finnick and Plutarch and Finnick looks like a wreck.

"Morning, sweetheart." Says Haymitch

"What are you doing with them?" I ask holding out a syringe for protection.

"You and a syringe against The Capitol? See, this is why no one lets you make the plans." Haymitch smirks.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" I growl , looking at a distressed and broken Finnick.

"Stop. Stop. Just listen." Finnick says.

"We couldn't tell you with Snow watching. It was too risky. Better for you to know nothing." Haymitch explains.

"Where's Peeta?" I ask, not seeing him in the room.

"Now, Katniss...you have been our mission from the beginning. The plan was always to get you out. Half the tributes were in on it. This is the revolution and you are the Mockingjay. And we're on our way to District 13 right now." Plutarch explains.

"Thirteen?" I ask not believing what I'm hearing.

"Thirteen, yes." Plutarch responds.

"Where's Peeta?" I ask again.

"He still has his tracker in his arm. Johanna cut yours out." Haymitch looked at me sadly.

"Where is he?" I demand.

"In The Capitol. They got him and Johanna." Haymitch sighs.

Finnick walks out and Haymitch yells to no one in particular "Someone go follow him to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid, he's lost everything again." A guard silently obeys and follows him out.

I can't control myself any longer so I start slapping him and yell, "You son of a bitch! You son of a bitch! You promised me that you would save him over me!"

I feel a needle being pushed into me
"You promised me! You're a liar! You're a liar! You're...You...you..."

I wake up to Gale sitting beside me.
"Hey, Catnip. You're okay. You've just been asleep for a few days." Gale greets.

"Are we home?" I ask.

Gale hesitates as I ask, "Gale? Where's Prim?"
"She's alive. So is your mother, I got 'em out in time." Gale responds.
"Got them out?" I question.
"After The Games, they sent in hovercrafts...and they started dropping firebombs." Gale says.
"They're not in twelve?" I ask again.
"There is no District 12. It's all gone." Gale sighs.
I start to cry and my sadness turns into rage.
But I calm down as soon as I see Prim who runs over to hug me.
"I'm so happy you're alive!" Prim gushes.
As I grin I said, "I missed you to Prim."

"Sorry I can't stay long, I have to get back to work. They are training me to be a doctor." Prim says with a sad smile.
"Prim that's amazing!" I cry which makes her smile bigger.
"One of my patients is Finnick. Can I update him on how you are doing or not? Haymitch said that it was up to you." Prim asks me.
That's when I remember Finnick and Beetee are here too. And the capital has Johanna and Peeta.
"Yes, and tell him I want to see him soon." I say with a small smile."
She nods in response and says, "Good this might help him. He needs to have some kind of stability and some good news."
I give her a questioning look. And she shakes her head and says, "Bye Katniss, I'll come see you later." Prim smiles as she walks out of the room.
I letting my thoughts race through my mind when I think about the question I've been afraid to ask. What happened to Callie?

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