Chapter 33

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Imogen Herondale led both Alec and Avalon to the head of the institutes office, closing the door behind them and taking her place behind the desk. "So  what was it that you wanted to 'chat' about." Avalon asked very coldly already knowing where this whole conversation was going to go. 

"Where is the Soul sword and Mortal cup?" Imogen said in a leader like voice expecting to get a straight forward answer from the twins who just scoffed and laughed a bit which confused her. But the inquisitor keep on the confidante expression she had been wearing since she burst into the prison cell.

"There where they'er supposed to be."

"I assume that it is this Sanctuary that is in your legend."

"It's actually the first institute." Alec stated crossing his arms. "Might want to refresh your memory. Any thing else you want to chat about it was it just concerning the instruments."

"Well I would like to run a few tests, to see the extend your abilities. For instants your own light magic and shadowhunter powers along with your downwoorder side and to know who which family you come from."

"Yeah not going to happen." Avalon snapped becoming inpatient and wanting to get out of the room. "We'er not going to be lab rats for the Clave." Both twins turned to their heels and headed for the door. Avalon paused for a moment as her hand gripped the handle looking at Alec. "Should we give her a hint?" she asked through the bond they shared. 

"Might as well. It will get her off our backs for a bit." Avalon nodded at her brothers answer turning to face Imogen again. 

"As for the whole family thing, try putting two and two together. Maybe say two people who went missing." With that said the twins headed out of the door leaving Imogen to her own thoughts about which shadowhunter family they came from. 


Alec and Avalon both stood in the institutes elevator both feeling the pressure to fix what had happened to Magnus. Azazel had switched his and Valentine's bodies. So now Valentine was just walking around freely doing as he pleased. Avalon started to play with the opal ring that Ryan had given to her out of reaction to the amount of anxiousness and worry she could feel for her brother and from herself. They had to fix this and fast.

"We can fix this Alec. We can do this." Avalon spoke trying to calm them both down which didn't work as their worry only grew and Alec's face was one of concern. He couldn't image the pain Magnus was going through being trapped in the body of a man who hated Downworlders with a passion. The elevator doors open to the main entrance and both of the twins eyes land on one certain blonde shadowhunter. "Blondie!" Avalon called out to Jace who's head whipped around to see both twins marching up to him. 

"How your little chat with Valentine go?" He asked waiting for answer hoping sneaking them in and getting caught wasn't for nothing. 

"Can you get Magnus here?" Alec asked not even answering Jace's question, more concerned on helping Magnus at this point in time. 

"Wait you guys don't actually believe Valentine do you?" Jace stared at the twins disbelief. Avalon motion for him to come closer so others couldn't hear what she or Alec were about to say. 

"Look Jace." Alec started in a hushed voice. "I know it's hard to believe, but the man you have locked up isn't Valentine, it's Magnus in Valentine's body. He knew thing that only Magnus could know. Like, intimate details."

"Just remember that this is Valentine. He's always ten steps ahead of us. He's always planning his next move-" 

"We know that." Avalon snapped at him in a whisper. "Jace just trust us on this and get Magnus or Valentine here and may I remind you that Magnus has been helping you and Clary with all of you little problems free of charge when he could charge you a lot of money. And people can't really afford his services. Also can I suggest that you make your mind because people are starting to stare." Jace looked that Alec and Avalon's faces which were dead pan serious. He sighed knowing that they weren't just messing around with him. 

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