Chapter Seven

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Sorry for the long wait.. I have school, depression and more.. :3


Zeref: 9
Sore: 6
Jiyeun: 6
Gajeel: 4
Sayn: 2
Alaro: 1

So let's start :3

"So  .. who is he?" 

"Hayjun, the strongest demon. He is half demon half god, so he is too poweful for us"

"I-I will help you..." I muttered. "Wh-what?!" He said shocked.

"I said I-I'll help you fight Hayjun, I have s-some de-emon and god k-keys"

His face showed happiness and relieve.

"Thank you so much" he whispered.

She giggled when she saw the cute demon blush deep red .

"So what do I have to do?"

"You'll train here and in about ten months Hayjun will arrive, then we'll have to fight him" he spoke.

"You'll have to train hard to become stronger" he added

She nodded enthusiastically and a demon led her to a comfy room.

She waited until the demon finished explaining her training and then made herself comfortable in the bed,  falling asleep fast.

Time skip ~

She woke up early and stretched.

"man this bed is wierd.." she groaned and sat up, looking for a bathroom. She opened a door and saw - oh , because I am a genius - a bathroom. She happily entered it , ignoring the ass cold floor that felt like frozen hell underneath her feet. She quickly showered and dressed into some black combat boots , a black top with a red broken record on it, and red short pants, quite plain. She put her hair into a ponytail and quickly left her room, where she was greeted by great food and the remaining demons plus her keys already waiting for her to eat breakfast. She ate and their training began asap.

10 months later , because Authorchan is too lazy to write this story because she is sick , and she has massive writer's block on many stories .

A loud roar was heard from outside and a deep , raspy voice spoke loudly " Come out , you weak demons of the underworld, show your death to the unwelcoming world"

As soon as it spoke , Lucy rushed up and down the castle , trying to get all her weapons and the demons together. She had been preparing this fight for a month , and she was sure she hadn't done it for nothing.

Chapter seven - finished.

yeah it's short but it's because I want to write the fight in a seperate chapter.

Forgive me!


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