8 hours

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Pictures of zero @ the very bottom
Zero's POV

Do you think they'll find it ? The voice in my head said jittery referring to the book . Or the hand book , is what I like to call it .
He started making a small pounding motion in the left side of my head sort of like he was banging on the walls inside .
He was always so aggressive .
I hated it . He's been this way ever since I found out a bout zora .
Driving me to stalk her basically. But that's common . Well out situation isn't . But that is . I always suppress the urges , I wanted her to come to me naturally. Accept me .

"Who knows , zora's stubborn, she probably gave up by now . But tera . She'll find it."I said surely . "She's the only one really ambitious enough, plus the book will find who is looking for it ".

"Okay everyone pay attention" I said loudly watching every head snap in my direction as I push my long black hair back , playing with it a bit, sort of stressed .
Wanting to rip it out .
I'm in charge , but I don't know how long for.  due to the circumstances.

I set my gaze to every wolf sitting in my conference room around my oval table . The vampires weren't present today , business they had to attend to .
They don't listen much anyways very rebellious ,but they respect me and they are loyal .
There's a lot to be discussed .

"The choice is mine , or I want it to be .
As you all know in a matter of hours, me and dillion my second hand will be going to war .
Fighting for our love .
This is a huge risk to take , but we are not cowards .
Things might happen that are unexpected . And if they do , I want to appoint you , Zane as head lead .
That's only
IF something goes wrong .
Don't let this go over your head"

I state watching everyone nod of approval . Well acceptance in this case .

I had a loyal pack , that's what I built my surroundings off of .
With the help of the vampire king of course ,I trusted everyone of them .

Zane being the second to the one I trust most , he's strong , he's in a good head space , a good enough one to where I think he might actually be responsible enough for this, although he is always lost in deep thought .

Me and him grew up together.
But enough of that , I don't have time to think about childhood memories right now ,
This is life or death .
I've been anxious all week .

"May I speak alpha" one of the men called out from the far left .
He was Joseph , a skinny tall wolf . Light blond hair .
Not very good at fighting .
Not good at all actually , I mostly let him handle all of the documents.
"Of course" was my reply, he always had something good to say , something that'll make me think  , he's very smart .

"If tera finds it first , and they don't find it together Zora's going to have to suffer the hard way . Like the hard, Hard way , her heart will be torn in two .
Her mind totally separated , submerged in darkness and a lust for revenge, She'll never know what she wants then.
I think we should lead them to it like the first
time." He stated .
" I think we should send a cat , she likes those" Zane added in at the end .
Hearing him mention my mates name stirred a bit of anger in me , but I know he means no harm .
It's just that I haven't even seen her yet , and I might not get to if I lose .
I'm even more upset at the fact that I don't know who her second piece is .
Have they met already ? Does she love him already ???
He could sneak up on me at any moment . Snuff me out .
But what he said was true I can't have her going through that much pain .
She won't accept me then .
Some times I want to curse the moon goddesses for putting us in this situation.
But if I prevail , it will be well worth it .

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