chapter 2:

38 5 1

Zora's pov

Zara's POV
School was actually going good , I didn't make that many friends but I don't sit in the bathroom for lunch anymore . I actually think people like me .
I kinda feel like this gives me more room to express myself .
Because going to school with tera I had to keep up this perfect twin sister act .
At this school I don't think anyone even knew I had a sister , let alone a twin sister .
I was excited, a few cute boys have tried to talk to me this week and I felt more confident , and I think it showed .
Me and my sister and my mom were suppose to be eating at the table tonight .

Something we never really did , because Roy was here .
But he wasn't tonight . And tonight was the night me and my sister finally would tell my mom how we felt .
She's been down bad all week , having withdrawals I think , I just want to let her know we support her because I think she's trying to quit .I was actually ready to eat at the table with them .
I was the only one who really ate at this table .
It was about 8 when my sister and I went down to eat dinner my mom was home and had already cooked .
It smelled so good coming down stairs, it felt like unknown to me .
She didn't cook a lot we mostly just ate at school .
It made me really happy to see her like this .

we sat at the table in comfortable silence ,only slightly interrupted by sounds of chewing or sips of our drinks .

Suddenly roy burst through the door with two guys behind him . "Here we go " I thought . About to come get up and go to my room , but then I noticed the men he was with .
not like I recognized them .
They just smelled like ... idk powerful.
So I sat still in my chair just figuring it's some type of drug play my moms going to do .

One had on a purple polo shirt on that barely covered his very visible chest .
He was really tall , fair skin and bald .
His pants looked dirty like he'd been running all day .
Scratches were visible on his face , he made the energy in the room uneasy .
Tera must have felt it too because she kicked me lightly from under the table .
Making eye contact with her I see her mouth out to me "look" , so I did .
the other man was nothing liked id seen before , he was the one in the very back , he was huge towering over Roy and the other guy , he almost went unnoticed , maybe that's who has the energy in the room so Intense.

He had on a sky blue shirt on that didn't cover anything .
It looked like a crop top .
I wonder who these people are , they almost look ... homeless .

they were both muscular and very well built like they been training all there life .
But their scent only gave off ware wolf.
So I ignored them , and my sister and kept eating .

. ''hey you toots come here '' roy said slurring his words gesturing toward my mother .

you could tell he was an exceptional amount of drunk more than usual .

It wasn't unlikely for him to come home with random guys and demand my mom to follow them upstairs he does it all the time ..

my sister doesn't want to believe it but reality is this is how my mom pays for her drugs .

But this time was different , so different , I could just feel it in my gut , something told me to run , then my mother yells' "go to your room and lock your door now'' ,''hurry''.

Everything raced through my mind .
I don't want to lose my mother like I did my father .
I listened.

Me and my sister run upstairs and do as we are told .
I didn't understand what was happening , we heard loud grunts(no not that ya nasty) and a sound that sounded like glass on the floor .

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