Hour #2

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Tera's POV I couldn't wait to get into this room , so that I could read this book

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Tera's POV
I couldn't wait to get into this room , so that I could read this book.
I already had a plan.
I'm going to see what happens if I just cut  a piece of the end of the page, technically it's ripped then , so
maybe all the words will pop up .
I don't want to have to completely destroy the book... I intended to share this information with my sister, I didn't expect to be alone .

It took us a while to make it to the end of the hall , after we passed the stairs of course .
The stairs were extremely long might I add .
It seemed like we were on the fifth floor maybe .
The floors are what intrigued me the most , they were marble and white . As clean as could be .
I had the room farthest to the left ,
I was fine not being in the same room as my sister , she was probably panicking about that thought , seeing that she always wants to protect me . I feel bad for her .
She got it worse then I did .
I'm not to worried about finding my mates , they'll find me , fight to the death and it will be over with.
I had no attachment to any of them .
Or so I thought , yeah one might have touched me , but I didn't even get a good look at him , I'm not sure if that was him anyways .

I'm pretty sure zora has a lot  to think about now that well she knows , that's she's destined to suffer .
She's probably in there freaking out , having a panic attack , if this wasn't so serious I'd be laughing my ass off . But the thought of my sister turning evil , just didn't sit right with me .
I wonder how she feels exactly , we didn't get a chance to talk much .

Opp I almost forgot to lock the door .
I head towards the door placing the book down on the bed neatly . I tried to handle it with care the book was kind of unpredictable .
Also putting a near by chair in front of the door . Just incase,
It was a pretty nice sized room , kinda small for the house to be as big as it is .
stretching out all into the woods , a beautiful maze like mansion but it's cool . I don't plan on being here forever.
The blinds are black out blinds so it was kind of dark , the only light source that was visible was this small lamp sitting on a coffee table near the bed .
The sheets were black and silk , and it made me sleepy just looking at them .
Sort of like a hotel, and overall I'm fine because there's a bathroom in here .
The book began to glow from the corner of my eyes and caught my attention.
this is it .
I thought to myself.
Although fariana did explain a lot , I mean a lot .
We were sitting there for atleast a hour plus the 30 mins we had to wait just for her to arrive .
she didn't necessarily quench my thirst for curiousity .
But I know this book will , if I can just get the words to appear, maybe I could help zora from eventually becoming evil , like fariana said .
Maybe I could learn something .
It's not that I think she wants to be evil or anything , it's just mates can be very pretentious who knows the event that could occur .
I needed more background knowledge ,
I had the book under my shirt the whole way up the stairs because I wasn't sure if they'd want it back or not .
But no one cares about it I guess . They haven't asked about it , they already knew we had it somehow .
I make my way over to the book and open it , the purple light faded away and I was met  with blank pages .
I wasn't surprised.
But I would like to know where this purple beam of light comes from, like what triggers it .
I flip to a random page in the book , And i ripped just a small spot , a place at the bottom I thought no words would typically be .
And it worked .
A whole page popped up .
Letters forming as my eyes traced them , almost like it was my imagination.
So I held the book under the lamp light just to make sure I was seeing this correctly .
I couldn't have been the only one to think of this . Ripping a piece to make the whole page pop up .
This must b some sort of trick tactic the book has .
Making it impossible for it to show me what it doesn't want me to see .
But on the other hand I could be reading to much into it .

I've never been so thrilled to meet anyone in my life .today was a special day and I wanted to give all my thanks to my love . And the moon goddesses of course for blessing our marriage.I just love it here . Signed psw

It seemed like some sort of journal entry. They weren't very long either .
I couldn't tell if it was a man or a women writing this. so confused I flipped to another page . Losing the other page I just found regretfully .
Ripping a piece from that one as well .

15000 years and I'm still not satisfied. I want to cut her heart out . Feed it to her mother , I need a reason to do what I'm about to do . I have to talk to the moon goddess .
Signed psw

Whoever this was they were obviously probably pretty crazy .
I was intrigued though . What would Some crazy persons journal have to do with me and my sister ?

Zero's POV
Fariana was nowhere to be found .
She never did tell me which room zora was in .
And it's not like I could smell her scent .
It isn't allowed , like I physically can't do it , until her other piece has died .
Then the barriers will be broken .
She won't feel like I'm burning her when I touch her .
If I ever get to , My wolf won't be completely compelled to find Zora until the forth hour , so that's how long I'll have to wait to actually see her .
I hope she hasn't met her other piece yet , because In the fourth hour whatever feelings she has for him will be heightened , it's like the moon goddesses weren't giving me fair game , enough time to play even . What the fuck are they thinking .
I had already found her late , I didn't even know it was her at first so I couldn't give her a necklace, since I couldn't do that it gave even more time for mr.ihavetofightyoutothedeath
To give her one .
Everything was going wrong .
She's even never seen me , we haven't interacted in the slightest , my chance of survival looked pretty slim now due to that .
But I Could not just give up on my whole kingdom like that . I needed them , more then ever in this time .
My men weren't back yet with the people from the names on the list . I was getting frustrated by now .
I just feel like there's something I don't know .
Something I can't see .
My wolf has been going crazy for the past hour , wanting to see our mate so bad , up close In person .
Breathing in her scent .
I quickly shook by head I was getting distracted, fantasizing over something that could possibly cause my death .
In hindsight I probably should have just looked at the fuckin list . Maybe my head wouldn't be flipping .
maybe I could get things done faster , why would they do it right , this isn't like their life on the line .
6 more hours to go .
6 more fuckin hours and I haven't gotten anywhere.
I was starting to lose trust in my members . I'm calling a pack meeting.

Sorry for any spelling errors guys , it was kind of a rushed chapter I really want to get into the meat of the story line .
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And ps. Zane is fine asf who else is rooting for him ?

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