Lets just go back

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Zora's POV I woke up before my sister of course

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Zora's POV
I woke up before my sister of course .
The tree made my back hurt and I couldn't stand to be in it for any longer .
I made sure not to go to far away from the tree , but I just needed to find some sort of water , wash all the filth , 🍃 and grass off of me that came from all this stupid walk / running . At first I just thought let's run away yeah , find a way out .
But I feel like we are taking the hard way and I have a easy way in mind .

So basically here's the plan . We are going to find our way back into the house , yes back INTO the house . Why? Well because if we just make friends with the kidnappers we'd be able to find out wtf is going on , and how to get out . Because we obviously need a way out . I mean think about it , their obviously not trying to kill us , they would have done that already . I know my sister maybe isn't going to want to go back but what does she have to lose now that we know the book was bullshit . At least I know it .

I thought hard as I scrubbed my body with my hands in the lake peacefully. It was sunny ,and I was sure my sister would come find me sooner or later , I wasn't really worried . At this point of my mom is dead she's dead . 2 down 0 to go .
"Girl what the fuck are you doing . I thought Somebody re-kidnapped you " my sister says while startling me . "Wow really re kidnapped , such good work choice" I replied . "Actually I'm so glad you came because I wanted to talk to you about the plan" I continued . "The plan , wait we actually have one " she states in awe . "Duh we're just gonna go back "

"Go back ??, what the fuck . Did you not learn anything in grade school kidnapping 101 class . Rule #1 we don't need the candy
Rule #2 never look for the puppy or kitty
And rule #3 NEVER go back to the kidnappers" my sister states getting louder and louder with every sentence .
Ugh but doesn't it just make sense . They know the way out don't they ?" By now me and my sister were both in the lake , I was just about to get out when the wind struck me so hard . My hair stood straight up and then fell back down .

I had a weird sensation run through  my body . Bliss . "Girl stop being a weirdo and put on your clothes" my sister said completely snapping me out of my thoughts .
I know when something magical was happening , and that right there was magic .

It's just so crazy that she didn't notice it , and I wasn't going to bring it up .
Although I did think about it for a hour afterwards.
I didn't say anything I just got out of the water and put my clothes on , listening to the birds sing , it was beautiful, per usual .
But it wasn't prettier then at night , when the moon is in the sky , that's when I feel the freeiest .
I waited for my sister to put on her clothes and we made our way back to this massive maze like house .

Teras POV
Finally made it . Knock knock is anyone home , I said while pushing the door open . No one ? Our foot steps echo throughout the whole house , I didn't like it in here one bit , my sister didn't really explain the plan on the walk here , all she said was " be nice , and we have to stay together , we can't afford to get split up because your stupid " and I totally agree .
I just wish she went more in depth about how nice I should be .
Like slutty nice , or regular old lady nice . I'm kind of confused about that but I'll just play it cool .
I hold my sisters hand and walk through a hall that seemed familiar, her leading of course.
My stomach was growling loudly at this point , and I didn't see nor smell any food , so I'm basically hopeless when this man I haven't seen yet pops around the corner greeting us with a " how are you ladies doing today ? Pls come this way , they've been waiting for you" first of all ew . The man ew .
The over all introduction ewwwww.  My sister obviously loves this and we follow behind this man .
He had a butlers type of suit  on . All white with black buttons . He was kind of bald , but he had streaks of grey scraggly hair flowing to the back of his head .
Although I could still see some bald patches , he was put together nicely .

It took us ages but we finally arrived.

First of all . Food . "They know how to kidnap man this is niceee" I said in awe.
We are in a ball type of room , it was literally so big I thought someone was getting married .

It's wasn't completely empty there was just a void of people . Two butler here , some over there .
The man and my sister were talking while I was stuffing my face and admiring the place .
Totally don't feel like I'm in danger .
There's a bunch of chairs and tables lined up , a stage .
Center pieces in each of the tables , a cake . I felt like I was at a real life wedding . " hey so who's getting married " I say sliding over to my sister and the man barbecue ribs in one hand plate full of corn in the other . " you are " the man states .
Cashing me to choke . "Well after the fight of course".  He added . " wait hold on , take it back , we didn't just talk about that .
Who's going to fight who mr hot wheels " my sister question the man .

" well you ladies don't seem to be educated on the matter , and I find that it is not my place to inform you , therefore I will go get someone that will , excuse me " he said kindly before walking off .
I didn't think he was going to come back so I continued to stuff my face , this food is delicious.

Zora's POV
My sister was embarrassing me in front of the butlers to say the least .
Okay fine it's kind of bothering me because I can only imagine this is what I looked like that day at school. All sloppy and messy .
Restless . Ew .
I missed school . Being at home , even though it was rough it was still my home . And now we're wandering around this massive house .

I hope this man is coming back with one of those lava guys , I'm pretty sure they know what's going on . I'm secretly hoping  he comes back with my so called "mate " .
I low key miss mr.unknown .

For whatever reason but i decided to go get a plate like my sister , but actually sit at a table instead of over the food table eating shit dripping shit everywhere like my SISTER .

About 20 to 30 mins pass and no sign of butler . I mean how big exactly is this house . And where are the important people .
I'm ready to get this over with , surely just as I was thinking that I hear the butlers footsteps . Thank god I say under my breath .
My sisters passed out on the stage sleeping . I guess that was the comfys place to sleep .
she knew I'd watch over her , and she used the stage curtains as blankets so cute .

What I didn't expect was this butler to come back with a female.
And she is extremely tall

Hey guys new chap , peace ☮️



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