Chapter 1-They are in London!!!

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I was walking down the bussy streets of London, talking to my very best friend on the phone. She was freaking out.

"They are here! They are in London." She was screaming in the phone, I had to hold it away from my ear.

'"You need to tell me who you're talking about Jas." I was use to her freaking out, this happend on a daily basic.

"Who do you think? 5 seconds of summer of course." Oh them. I'm not really a fan but Jasmine is. She had tried her hardest to make me a fan, and it wasn't like I hated them, they were good. I didn't know their names but they were all really cute. Especially the one who wasn't asian but looked like that.

"Okay that's go-" She cut me off.

"We have to go out and try to find them."

"Are you kidding me? London is big and they are small."

"I need to see Luke, I need to!" I was now searching my mind to remember who Luke was. It took some time but then I remembered the guy with the lip pircing. I knew I wasn't going to win this so I said:

"Okay fine. Tomorrow?" She made a high pitched voice, and I once again had to hold the phone away from my ear.

"Yes! Can we do it after school" It was probably thought like a question but it was more a order.

"Of course, is not like we have anything else to do. Like homework." I said trying to remind her of the English paper.

"We have two weeks to do that! They will not be here forever!" I knew I couldn't say anything to stop the madness so I just agreed. I could do the paper another time and this meant a lot to her.

"Okay after school tomorrow, now I have to go. See you tomorrow."

"You are the best A" And with that she hung up. I laughed a little, she was always so full of energy.
I was going around a corner as I put my phone in my bag when I suddenly bumped into someone. My phone luckly landed in my bag, I looked up embaressed.

"Oh my days. I am so sorry." I said, this was just typical me.

"No, no is okay I looked down in my phone I didn't see you." I looked at the stranger and he looked a lot like someone I had seen before. I couldn't really place him but then it came.

"Hey aren't you in that band 5 seconds of summer?" He looked down in the ground. It was that cute non-asian guy.

"Yeah I am." He said, and scratched the back of his head.

"Don't say your name I know it. Is something that sounds like a 'K' but is a 'C'," I was thinking hard "Christ- no not that, um Cam-no wait is Calum." I said proud of myself.

"Yeah that's me." He said a bit awkward. He was not just cute but so charming.

"My best friend loves you guys so much. She has tried for ages to make me be a fan and know your names. Is not because I don't like your music is good but I'm not that big a fan," I was starting to talk fast which I did sometime if I felt out of place "Also I only know you guys as: The guy who change his hair color a lot, the one with the lip pircing, the drummer with the long fingers, and the cute non-asian guy." I wanted to mentally slap myself, for the last bit.

"The cute non-asian guy huh?" I was starting to blush.

"Well anyway could I maybe get a video where you say hi to my friend?" Jas was going to die if I got that.

"Of course what's her name?"

"Is Jasmine," I said pulling my phone out of my bag. I was ready to record "Okay when I give you thumbs up can you say 'Hi Jasmine'?" He nodded, I gave him the sign and he said it. I looked it through, she was going to drop dead.

"So what's your name?" He asked with a curious tone.

"Alexx with two 'x'" I said "My parents thought it would be cool like that."

"I like it." He said a bit quiet. We stood there a little awkward again.

"Well I should go I need to make dinner so yeah." I started to walk past him but he took my arm. I looked at his hand on my upper arm and he moved it.

"I'm sorry, but I was wondering if it was possible that maybe we could go out?" I couldn't believe this Calum something was asking me out.

"I'm sorry Calum. You might be famous but you're also a stranger," I said "For all I know you could be a murder with a good singing voice." He nodded.

"Understandable." I gave him a little smile and walked away. As soon as I had rounded the corner I called Jasmine.

"You my dear friend will love me."

"What? Why?" I had caught her curiosity.

"I just met Calum." I was still kinda pround of remembering his name. I moved the phone away from my ear because I knew what was coming.

"You did what????" As I expected it was a good idea "Tell me everything." I started to tell and when I reached my house she was speachless and it says something. I was actsally worried.

"Jas are you there?"

"Shit! Calum Hood asked you out? I will come over after dinner and you have to show me the video." She hung up before I could answer, so she was coming over.
I was making dinner when my mum came home with my littlesister. My dad came home a little while after. The dinner was ready and we all sat down to eat.

"Oh before I forget it, Jas is coming over tonight." I said it wasn't because it was a suprise or anything, she did come often.

"Okay," My mum said "So anything excited happend in school today?"

"Not in school, but on my way home. I met this guy from a famous band." I said letting the part out where he asked me out.

"Woaw so what now you're best friends?" My dad teased.

"Nah not really, we just talked a little and I got a video of him saying hi to Jas."
And so did the conversation continue. When we were done washing up Jas came. She said hi to my parents and we walked into my room. She was surprisingly calm. I turned around after I had closed the door and I could feel a pain in my right cheek. Jas had slapped me, I took a hand to my cheek.

"What the hell Jas!"

"You said no to Calum Thomas Hood?!" Oh so that was our problem.

"Yes you might think you know him but he could be insane!" She relaxed a little, I was to be honest very confused.

"Sorry I just needed to get that out." She sat down, my cheek was still burning so I wasn't quite that quick to calm down.

"Really? Sorry?" She looked at me, I walked over and sat on my bed too.

"Oh calm down I didn't even hit that hard," Right she didn't hit that hard? Then why the hell did I feel like I needed to get a plastic operation to look like myself again? I took a deep breath and relaxed, there was no need to be mad at her "Now show me the video." I got my phone and found the video. She snaped my phone out of my hands and watched it maybe 20 times. She freaked out after each time. She was about to watch it again.

"Okay you know what? Give my phone back." I snaped it out of her hands.

"You are the luckiest person in the whole world." She said and looked at me.

"Yes I am. I am basically queen now," I said with so much sarcasm that you could taste it. She gave me an annoyed look. I knew I should probably be more sweet to her about this. It was her favourit band in the entire world, but well hell she slapped me "I'm sorry Jas but to be fair you did slap me." Her look got innocent.
We talked for hours before she looked at the time and jumped up.

"Shit! I was suppose to be home for half an hour ago! I am so screwed." And with that she ran out of my door one minute later I could hear the bell on her bicycle. I texted her saying goodnight and went to bed. I was tired and I had a long day ahead, I was going on band hunting.

So I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I'll be posting once a day :)

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