Chapter 10-Is that a tampon in your nose?

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So it was monday and I had to go to school. It had been hard to say goodbye to him but else it was fine. I was alright with being in school, I was just nervous to see how people would act around me. I met with Jas in front of the school. She of course knew I had, had sex with Calum and she freaked out when she heard. She had kept me updated in what happend at school. Some new girl had started, apperntly she was cool because Jas liked her. Jas walked up to me and gave me a hug.

"Are you ready?" She asked and I sighed.

"As ready as I can be." I answered.

"Okay let's go to war." So we did, we walked into the hallway and as we expected, people turned their heads and whispered. Some younger students was looking really much and Jas of course said:

"Hey we know we're just as hot as the sun but come on keep your eyes to yourself, or at least take a picture that will last longer." I smiled grateful to her and the students blushed and looked away. The bell rang into first class which was English. The classes went slowly by.

"Damn I hate school." Jas said as we sat down at a table at lunch.

"Yeah I know, I feel like a freak everybody stares." She patted my back, some girl I didn't know sat with us.

"Hi my name is Laura, I'm new here." She smile at me.

"Yes I've heard about you, my name is Alexx."

"I know, I've heard a lot about you too." Her smile faded a little, so she had heard. Great.

"Sorry A I needed to update her too." Jas said.

"Is fine, is better she hears from one of us than the others." We talked and she did seem nice.
Soon it became normal that Laura, or L as we called her sometimes, was with us. She was cool and didn't even care that I was together with Calum. So now she was a part of me and Jas' group. People had almost stopped staring which was of course nice. Currently Calum was in LA and I missed him like crazy. We still Skyped as much as we could. Today I was on my way home from school and I was in hurry because I had to Skype Calum right away. I was almost home when I heard a voice behind me:

"Hey aren't you that girl who is together with Calum Hood?" I turned around and saw a girl with a ball in her hands and three other girls behind her. They were all wearing a 5sos bracelet so they was probably a fans.

"Yeah I am." I said and just figured she wanted a picture or something. They all started to walk up to me, there wasn't a lot of people on the street right now.

"You know he could do much better than a bitch like you." The girl with the ball said. Well that was rude.

"Excuse me?" I said offended.

"Yeah you ain't even that pretty." She moved closer to me "He really should find someone better."

"Yeah well he cho-" I got cut off because I could feel a pain in my nose. The bitch threw her ball at me. I could feel blood running out of it, not just a little but a lot of blood "Shit." I cursed, the girls laughed and walked away. I hurried home, I was late for my Skype call with Calum again I cursed. I went into the bathroom and grabbed some papir but the bleeding wouldn't stop. I quickly looked around and took a tampon and put it in the one nostrils that was still bleeding. I went into my room and turned my computer on and opened Skype. I called Calum.

"Hi my amazing girlfriend," he said then he looked at me properly, I looked really stupid with the tampon "Is that a tampon in your nose?" He asked confused.

"Yeah I know how it looks but it was the best I could do on so short notice." I said, he still looked confused.

"But why?" He asked me.

"I got a nosebleed."

"What happend?"

"I'll tell you what happend Mr. Hood," I sounded annoyed which I was, not on him but because of the girls. His eyes got big "Your fans happend! I was walking home in peace, then some girl and her bitch crew asked if I was your girlfriend, I of course said yes. Then they said this crap with you can do better and we all know that is not true because I'm amazing and then she threw a ball at me and walked off." He still looked confused and had big eyes.

"I am really sorry that they did that, fans can be crazy like that," he bit his lip "Are you okay else?"

"Yeah I'm fine," I said relaxing "I think my nose is overreacting it didn't even hurt that bad." I looked at him and he just sat there and I couldn't help but laugh, he laughed too.

"So you're fine?" He asked me still smiling.

"Yeah I am, I guess is kind of funny."

"I actsally got something that will cheer you up." He said, he looked excited.

"Okaaay what is it?"

"I talked to your parents and they have agreed to let you come here to LA." That was the best news someone could have given me.

"Are you serious?" I was now too excited.

"Yeah you fly friday morning to sunday evening."

"Oh my word this is amazing." It had been like two months since we saw each other last.

"Yeah it is. Listen I need to go but we talk tomorrow right?" He asked me.

"Yeah we do." I wish I could talk longer with him.

"Okay good, love you."

"Love you too," I said and he hung up. I walked out to the bathroom to get the tampon out. I started to pull it out and holy fuck that hurt "Son of a bitch!" I cursed loud.

"You know that is not suppose to be in that end." A voice said behind me I turned around and saw where the voice came from, of course it was Jas, Laura was there too.

"Yes I know, but I got a nosebleed and I had to quickly find something to stop it." I said throwing it out.

"Okay well normal people would have used toliet paper or something but not you." I gave her glare, the thee of us walked into my room and sat down.

"So what brings you to my home?" I asked them.

"Well we were bored and thought we would come to you, because you are just so much fun." Jas said the last bit very sarcastic.

"You hoped to see Luke on Skype didn't you?"

"No! It was Ls idea." Jas said.

"Okay that is a lie, I remember clearly you said to me, we should come here because you wanted to see what Alexx was doing." I laughed.

"Thanks L, and you know I was Skyping with Calum," Now it was Jas turn to give me a glare "Hey no judgeing." I said putting my hands up.

"Okay fine I hoped to see Luke." Jas said and pouted. We all laughed. We talked for hours, I told them I was going to LA and well they were jealous. They went home around six, the rest of the night I just saw some movies and packed a little to LA, I was so excited. Only two days left.

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