Chapter 2-Are you following me?

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I woke up the next day and checked my phone. No text from Jas which probably ment that her parents had taken her phone. I got up and put my clothes on. I walked downstairs to see my mum and my littlesister. I walked over to them and gave them each a kiss on the cheek. Luckly my cheek had stopped burning and there was nothing to see.

"Good morning hun." My mum said.

"Good morning," I said as I took some cereal "By the way I don't know when I will be home, Jas and I are going band hunting." I used my dramatic voice on the last.

"That sounds dangerous, just remember to be home before 10." I nodded since I couldn't answer because my mouth was busy chewing.
When I was done we had to drive. I was in the back of the car because my dear sister wanted to sit infront. When we arrived I said bye and quickly spotted Jas. I walked over to her, I could see right away that it wasn't a good day.

"Oh no what happend?" I asked.

"First of all my parents took my phone," She actsally sounded sad which she didn't usually, when they did that "And I'm grounded so I can't go look for them." So that was the course of her sad face.

"I'm sorry to hear that, maybe they will still be in London when you're un-grounded." She now looked like she was close to tears, they ment more to her than I could ever imagine.

"No they're leaving in a week or something, I'm grounded for two weeks," I didn't really know what to say now, she wasn't even this sad when her cat died "Well on the other hand I got a video of Calum saying hi, not everybody got that you know." And just like that she was her happily self. I got to admit I was relived. We walked into the school and headed to our class, we had English together.

"By the way you can still come over because they think you're good influence. But only from after school to five." Confused I asked:

"What? They do know you were over with me last night right?" She got an annoyed look that was reserved just for her parents.

"Yeah they do but they think you were trying to tell me I should go home but I didn't want to." Her parents wasn't bad they loved her and she loved them but since her older brother moved away from home and ended up with something with drugs, they had been extremly protected with Jas. We walked into the class and sat down in the back of the class as usual, the class started.
School went so slowly by so when it was done I felt like I had grown a beard. Jas didn't feel like being with anyone so she went home alone, it wasn't so much because she was sad, but as she said: I might as well get started on the English paper. Also she was hoping if she behaved really good they might un-ground her.
I was walking home the same rute as yesterday when I talked to Jas. I was close to the corner where I had met Calum and there was actsally a guy who looked like him leaning against the corner. When I came closer he started to look really much like Calum. I came closer and oh shit it didn't look like Calum it was Calum. He smiled when he saw me.

"Hi Alexx with two 'x'" He said walking over to me.

"Excuse me? But are you following me?" I asked teasing.

"No I just happend to be at the same corner we met at yesterday, hoping that you would come this way." He didn't give up. I liked that.

"Well I guess is your lucky day then." I looked at him smiling, he had sunglasses on. Then suddenly out of nowhere he said:

"My name is Calum Thomas Hood. I'm from Australia. I'm not asian but half scottish and half kiwi and yes kiwi is a fruit." I looked suprised on him.

"And why do I need to know that?"

"Well now we met two times and you know a little about me," I looked at him still confused, and I think he could see that "Well we're not really strangers anymore now are we?" I started to laugh because honestly this was just to good to be true.

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