Chapter 4-Dude, is getting serious

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"Tell me everything!" Jas rushed over to me. So I did tell her everything "I am so proud of you!" I couldn't help but smile.

"And today he's taking me to the studio, together with the other guys" I said.

"He is what?" She looked suprised on me "Dude, is getting serious."

"Dude? Really? You're going to bring that back to our friendship? And is not getting serious."

"Yes it is. You're meeting his friends, you kissed. Do you really think he would want him to meet his friends and kiss you if he didn't like you?" The breathing trouble came back but this time for a diffrent reason.

"Oh my word is getting serious! I can't handle this! I need to cancel, I need to move away to a diffrent country, do you think Sweden is nice?" So I was freaking out in the middle of the hallway.

"Okay you need to come down right now," She took both of her hands on my cheeks and made me look at her "Is going to be fine, you just try not to kiss him again, say you can't be together tomorrow and for the love of God get Luke to follow me on Twitter!" The bell rang and she let go of me.

"Okay I think I can handle it, thanks." She smiled and walked away to her class, I just needed to calm down.
The school day went by a little too fast, for my taste. So the last bell rang and Jas came running up to me again.

"Are you ready?" She was clearly excited.


"You know I really wished that I could come with you, stupid grounding."

"We can trade if you want." She gave me a glare.

"You know what I'm not going to stand here and listen to you complaning about being together with a famous band!" She had raised her voice. I could understand her I was being selfish, I felt bad for her.

"You're right I'm sorry, I'll make sure to give Luke your twitter name." We were now standing outside the school and a cab came.

"Thank you, I'm sorry about that, I'm just jealous, I wish it was me."

"I know I'm being selfish, but now I have to go because Calum is waiting in that cab." She squeal.

"Can I please say hi please?" She was already dragging me towards the cab.

"Okay sure he probably won't mind, just don't freak out too much." That was probably going to be impossible. She opended the door to the cab and Calum looked suprised, I didn't know what she was going to do. She got in the cab and I followed.

"Um hi." Calum was confused, not that I blamed him.

"OH MY LORD I CAN'T BELIVE I'M SITTING HERE WITH CALUM FREAKING HOOD!!!." Now he looked scared, which I again didn't blame him for.

"You must be the friend that Alexx told me about." He put on a smile but he still looked kind of scarred though.

"I'm sorry I'll come down I just really wanted to meet you, actsally can I get a picture maybe?"

"Of course everyhing for Alexx friends." Since she didn't have a phone at the moment we used mine.

"Well you have no idea but it was really nice meeting you, I Iove you so much! But I'll better be going home since I'm grounded." She crawled over me and got out, closing the door behind her. Now it was only me and Calum, he told the cab driver the adress and we got going.

"I'm sorry about that, she really wanted to meet you and I couldn't say no." I bit my lip.

"Is fine I was happy to meet her, she seems nice."

"She is, she wants me to give Luke her twitter name." I said because I wanted to distract him from kissing me or any romantic subject. Not long after we arrived to the studio. We got out and he lead me into a bulding and up some stairs. I could hear the others talking and laughing as we walked in.

"Oh hi Alexx, don't you look wonderful today." Michael said, yes I had now memorized their names.

"Hi Michael well thank you." The others said hi too. Calum took my hand and lead me to a couch. I really wish he would stop being so damn wonderful. Luke laughed at something Ashton said which reminded me that Jas wanted Luke to have her twitter name.

"Oh Luke if you don't mind my friend Jasmine really want you to have her twitter name, is that okay?"

"Yeah sure," he said pulling his phone out and so did the others "What's her twitter name?" I told them and they all followed her. They recorded some of a song and it sounded really good. In between some breaks they had, Calum would sit right next to me which of course then made me want to kiss him. All we did though was holding hands. It almost felt like we were a couple which I didn't like. It was six when I told them I needed to head home. Calum followed me down.

"I'm sorry it was probably not a perfect third date."

"No I mean is fine I had fun." I smiled to him.

"I wished I could stay longer here with you." He took his hands on my waist again and I loved it and hated it.

"Calum remember you're not suppose to fall for me." I said his lips were so close to mine so when I spoke I could feel them brush against mine. My heart raced faster than ever.

"I know, don't worry I'm not there yet." I was feeling dizzy. I was so close to just say screw everything and kiss him.

"Yet?" I asked I put my arms around his neck.

"I can't promsie anything, you're pretty amazing and you're not making this easy for me." His voice was barely a whispere. I wanted him to kiss me more than I wanted air. Luckly for me he put me out of my misery and kissed me. It was a lot more passionate than the other kisses, he pushed me gentle up against the wall of the bulding. No one had ever kissed me like that before, not even my douchebag of an exboyfriend. He pulled away first which suprised me.

"Can I please see you again tomorrow?" He asked me.

"Yeah we can make a picnic and go the park, there is barely any people in the evening." Stupid poison strikes again.

"Okay should I pick you up at six this time?" He was still standing close to me.

"Yeah, I'll make the picnic," I said and made him move "I can't wait." I said and I walked away like he had done to me. I got in a cab and drove home. When I came home my parents had made dinner, I sat down and ate with them. I told them about my school and a little about the date. Then I went up and started my English paper. I went to bed early thinking about the kiss. It just couldn't be happening I was starting to fall for Calum Hood (yes I had learned his last name too) I probably had to talk to him about it, but I didn't want to. I sighed and fell asleep wondering how I should tell him, that I couldn't see him anymore.

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