Chapter 8-You alomst raped me you dick

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It was monday morning and I had to go down to the police station to confirm the story. My parents and Calum was with me, he was going to be here until thursday. It took some time to convince Jas that she should go to school, indstead of coming with me. Derek had to be there, which made me feel uncomfortable. We were now sitting in the car on our way. Right before we went into the police station Calum pulled me to the side and told my parents he just wanted to talk real quick. His brown eyes filled with worry.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I just want to let you know that I know this is hard for you, and I'll protect you as much as I can." I gave him a little smile, I really did love him.

"I know and I'm so happy you're here." I hugged him and he placed his head on top of mine, he gave me a kiss on my forehead before we let go. We were about to go in when we heard a voice behind us saying:

"Are you trying to make me jealous? 'Cause it don't work, you're no good anymore." Derek with a policeman. I didn't know where they had kept him till today. I could feel Calum getting tense next to me.

"Just leave me alone." I could probably have comed with a better comeback but right now I worried Calum would hit him or something. I took Calums' hand trying to make him relax a bit.

"Oh why so mad?" He asked making a confused face.

"You almost raped me, you dick! You can't be that stupid that you have forgotton that." He laughed and I narrowed my eyes. The policeman made him walk inside. Calum relaxed a bit.

"I'm sorry I should have said something."

"No is okay, I was mostly afraid if you were going to hit him."

"Well I was close to that too." I laughed because well he was amazing. My dad came out and told me that we had to come in. I took a deep breath and followed him. It was small room Derek was in there with an unpleasant smile together with the policeman that followed him in and some man that I was told who had to decide what they should do to Derek. We sat down on the other side of the table than Derek.

"Hello again beautiful." Derek said.

"Leave her alone!" Calum answered back, Derek just gave him a smile. So we started I had to tell everything from that night, Derek was not allowed to say anything. It was hard to talk about it but I kept strong I didn't need to cry infront of Derek. Calum was holding my hand during it which also helped me to be strong. Fifteen minuts after I was done telling, the man had decided what to do with Derek.

"Derek has to go with leg irons until he turns 18 next year and then we'll see if he has to go to prison," I guess I could live with that "He can only go from his house to school, and he is not allowed to contact Alexx on anyway" I was pleased with that then at least he couldn't come back here and he couldn't contact me. Dereks smile were gone and we got up to drive home.

"What do you think about that?" My dad asked in the car.

"I'm happy with it." I answered and he nodded.

"I have an idea shouldn't we pick up Emma and go out for frozen yogurt?" My mum asked and honestly that was the best idea she could have comed with. So we picked up Emma from school and got out for frozen yogurt. I enjoyed it, it made me feel better. I had been feeling a little depressed, Calum had been good to make me forget but it was always there, the feeling of darkness. Luckly I had a therapist appointment on wednesday.

Calum was sitting in my bed, my head was resting on his lap with a pillow behind my head. I was on Facebook on my phone and came to one of those pictures where the guy wake a girl up in the middle of the night to tell her that he loves her. I showed Calum it.

"I'm telling you, this you should never do to me, I need my beauty sleep," He laughed "I will break up with you." That made him laugh even more.

"I'll make sure to remember that."

"Yeah you better, you didn't chose a very romantic girl."

"I know but I did chose an amazing girl." I smiled to him and he kissed me.

"You are one smooth son of a bitch aren't you?" We both looked over at the door and there Jas was "Come on move." I sat up and she sat on the bed.

"Hi Jas was school fun?" I asked and she stuck out her tounge. Luckly she had fallen down and didn't freak out everytime she was with Calum.

"I just came over to hear how it went," I told her everything including his nasty comments "That's good, not the comments but the punish."

"Yeah I'm happy with it too." I smiled to her.

"What about boyfriend over there? How is he feeling?" She nodded towards Calum who looked confused.

"I'm feeling fine, as long as Alexx is happy with it I am too." Calum and Jas was started to become friends, sometimes they even talked without me. Not that it bothered me I was happy they got along. She stayed and talked. Again I was having fun but the darkness didn't leave me. I had to be distracted all the time so my thoughts didn't fly to a dark place.
The rest of the day I just spend with Calum and Jas, yes Jas got home to the time. Again I fell asleep in Calum's arms.

I was in a forest, there was loud music. People were drinking and laughing. I looked behind me and there were Derek, his face twisted in a evil smile. I started to run screaming for help but nobody heard me. Derek tripped and I fell to the ground, I turned around and he sat with each leg on the side of my thighs.

"This time I will go quicker." His voice was so evil. I kept screaming, he started to kiss me. He took my t-shirt off and started to kiss my stomach and up to my bra. I fought all I could. I yelled for Calum to come. He was about to take my bra off too, laughing.

I woke up full of sweat. My heart was beating fast and I took my hand up to my face it was wet from tears. I could feel someone next to me and I thought it was Derek. I stumbled down my bed and over to a cornor. I couldn't see anything, my eyes hadn't adjusted to the darkness yet. I could hear a familiar voice. It took sometime before I regonised it as Calums and not Dereks. My eyes adjusted and I saw Calum sitting on the floor talking comforting words.

"I'm so sorry Calum." I said still crying. He walked over to me and helped me over to my bed.

"Schh is okay, is over he's not here." He kept talking comforting words until I drifted to a dreamless sleep.

Calum P.O.V

I woke up beacuse Alexx was kicking me, I looked over at her and she was crying. She kept saying 'help me' 'Derek' and 'Calum'. It didn't take me long to figure out she had a nightmare. I sat up and tried to wake her by saying:

"Alexx wake up, is not real." It took some time but she woke up, she felt her face, before she stumbled down the bed and up against the wall. She looked so scared. I sat down on the floor and kept saying things like:

"Is okay Alexx, I won't let him touch you." and "I'm here, he can't hurt you not anymore." Again it took a little time before she said:

"I'm so sorry Calum." She was still crying, it hurt me to see her like this. I wanted to protect her I was suppose to protect her that night. I walked over and helped her to the bed. I held her in my arms.

"Schh is okay, is over he's not here." I kept saying things like that until she fell asleep and I fell asleep a little while after.

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