Chapter 12-You're the bitch that made Derek get leg irons?

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I woke up still feeling pleased. Calum was already up, I got up as well. He was sitting in the end of the bed, I went behind him and swung my arms around his chest and kissed his neck.

"Morning." I said.

"Morning." He said back, I rested my head on his shoulder. He seemed sad.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm just sad you have to go." That broke my heart, he sounded so sad.

"I am too, I wished we could stay in here forever." He gave a sad chuckle.

"Yeah that would be perfect." He said and I kissed his neck again.

"But hey we got until three let us enjoy the time."

"Yeah you're right." I was sitting on my knees, he turned his head up and we kissed. He made me turn so I was sitting with each leg on each side of his thighs. I was still in my underwear, he was in some loose pants. We were busy kissing so we didn't hear Michael, Luke and Ashton coming in. We didn't notice before Luke cleared his throat. We both looked up, Michael had a huge smile on his face.

"Have you never heard of knocking?" Calum asked annoyed.

"We have but honestly dude I don't think it would have helped." Ashton said laughing. I went off Calum and again Michael eyes seemed to have a life on their own.

"Do you want a picture?" I asked as I went over to get some clothes.

"Oh you don't mind if I do?" He said and I gave him a glare but not as deathly as Calums. I went into the bathroom and changed. When I came out Calum and Michael was arguing. Luke and Ashton had placed themself on the bed.

"I'm just saying don't fucking stare at my girlfriend!" I walked over to them.

"Don't worry about it Calum," I said "Is the only way he will almost see a girl naked." Luke and Ashton started to laugh, Calum smiled.

"Trust me is not the first time." Michael said.

"Yeah well everybody can google nowadays" I said and he narrowed his eyes.

"You know if you weren't with Calum I would take you right now." He said.

"In your dreams Mikey." I said back. It was like everybody in the room was holding their breaths.

"I like you," he said suddenly smiling "You can talk back, I like that about you." I smiled to him and the room started to breath. We ordered room service and ate. I checked my phone and saw I got a text from L.

'Thank you so much for giving Ashton my number, he is so nice :D'

I smiled, she was a sweetheart. I wouldn't mind if Jas and Luke got together and L and Ashton, then I only needed someone for Michael. We decided to go out and shop a little before I had to go. I helped Calum pick out a dark grey t-shirt that he looked damn fine in. They all came with me to the airport. We didn't say much, it was all very sad.

"Do you have any idea when we can see each other again?" I asked Calum.

"No I'm sorry I don't know." I nodded. I had to go if I didn't want to miss my plane. I said bye to Luke, Ashton and Michael first. Then I said goodbye to Calum I gave him hug and a passionate kiss.

"I love you." He said right before I left.

"I love you too." I said I could feel tears pushing to give them attention. I didn't want him to see me cry so I walked away. It was sad plane home. My dad picked me up in the airport, he asked me questions but I think he could feel that I wasn't in the mood. Somehow it seemed more sad than the other times. I headed right to bed when I came home.

--The next morning--

L came over to me with a big smile on her face. I was really tired, but I had to go to school, since I couldn't miss too much.

"Morning." She said and I gave her a hug.

"Morning," She kept smiling "What are you so happy about?"

"You are the best!" So this was about Ashton "Asthon and I wrote together yesterday and he is so sweet. I mean I just thought he was handsome I didn't count on talking with him, but he got a great personality." I felt happy for her.

"Good to hear." We waited for Jas to come, she came a moment after.

"Hii gurls, I hear you hooked dear L here up with Ash."

"Yeah well it just seemed right." I said.

"Stop it guys, we have only written like two times." L said but I could feel she was happy.

"Yeah well soon you will fall for him, trust me," Jas said to her "Those guys from 5sos has some kind of magic spell I'm telling you." We walked into the busy hallways.

"Speaking of," I said "How is it going with Luke?" I asked.

"Is going fine," She blushed "Okay I'm under his spell and I really, really want him to ask me to be his girlfriend." This was just cute.

"I can push him a little if you want to?"

"No no I'm not that desperate." She said, the bell rang and we went to class. The day just went by slow nothing speciel happend.

There went another month without Calum and I had time to see each other. Jas and Luke were still not together, I mean they kinda was but he said he wanted to ask her when they saw each other again. Ashton and L was still talking, they liked each other a lot and honestly they were perfect for each other. We had even found ship names for them one day we were bored. Jas and Luke was 'Juke' and Ashton and Laura was 'Lauston'. 5sos album was finally out and it was really good.
I was walking home in my own thoughts, some guy was leaning against a lamppost, when I came near he walked infront of me making me stop.

"You're the bitch that made Derek get leg irons?" He asked me. I could almost feel the blood run out of my face. This couldn't possible be good.

"Well as far as I know he did that to himself." I didn't know where that courage came from, the guy laughed a cruel laugh.

"Oh yeah sure slut." Was the only thing he said before he hit me hard in the stomach. I bent over, while air left me. He made me starighten up and gave me a slap in the face. I tried to run but he held me, he was strong. Nobody was on the street, nobody could help. He started to beat me till I lied down on the ground. Punch and kick came from every side. The pain was endless, I tried to scream but everytime he kicked me or hit me and air would leave me. I couldn't fight back, so I just lay there. I once heard you had to play like you passed out if you got beaten up so I tried that. It worked he left me lying in pain and I think blood. I didn't dare to move, the last thing I remember was just darkness. Darkness and pain.

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