Chapter 5

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3rd person pov

Smokescreen sighed as he leaned against the wall. He and Bulkhead were watching Bee while Wheeljack took the kids home. Smokescreen didn't realize how non-exciting a sparkling could be. Bumblebee was sitting on the ground playing with some human-sized boxes that made perfect sparkling-sized toy blocks. He was happily stacking the blocks and was making a building of some sort.

"I can't believe that we are stuck sparkling-sitting." groaned Smokescreen, as he started pacing the room."And for who knows how long! We should be doing something else. Like fighting cons or finding relics. Or even just taking the kids for a ride. We shouldn't be stuck doing nothing."

"Calm down Smokescreen. Optimus doesn't need us to watch Bee for the whole day. He might even send us on a mission later. Also, we are not doing nothing. Every little thing helps and right now we can help by taking care of Bee." said Bulkhead calmly.

The door opened and Arcee walked in and leaned against the door frame." I thought I would find you to in here." she said.

"Arcee, do you want to watch Bee? I bet he would love that." said Smokescreen, practically begging.

"You seem to have everything under control in here. Besides, it's not like you have to do much." she replied.

"I know" said Smokescreen," there is nothing to do. He has been playing with those boxes for primus knows how long."

"Fifteen breems." stated Bulkhead.

Unnoticed by the larger bots, Bumblebee had stumbled over to Arcee and lightly tapped on her legs. She looked down at Bumblebee and crouched down to see what he needed. "What is it Bee?" she said softly.

"Where sire? Were cawwier?" he asked innocently. 

"Oh Bumblebee," she said, sitting on the ground next to Bee, " your sire and carrier are gone. I am so sorry Bee, but they are not coming back."

"They not coming back?" asked the sparkling.

Arcee shock her helm and then Bumblebee hugged her tight and started to cry.

"What happened to Bumblebee's creators?" asked Smokescreen.

"We don't know." answered Arcee." Bumblebee showed up one day at the base but no bot knows how he got there. We think that he was sent to a youth center or orphanage when the war started. We don't know who brought him to base but he seemed to already know some of the bots like Ultra Magnus, Ratchet, Optimus, and Elita. We all assume that one of those four found him and took care of him for some time before he was brought to the base. When Bumblebee came, he might have been old enough to remember his creators but no bot really wanted to ask. When we finally worked up the courage to ask, he said that he didn't want to talk about it. We didn't ask him again after that and we had already tried Optimus and Elita and all those bots but they never answered."

"Poor Bee," Smokescreen mumbled, "I never thought that he had such a hard life. I know he was young and all when he joined the scouts but I never thought that he had a hard life when he was younger. How does he stay so happy?"

"Bumblebee has a habit of being able to find the good in every situation.Even after the loss of family." said Optimus, "Arcee, I can take Bumblebee from you. Thank you, all three of you, for watching over him but now the three of you must get some recharge."

"Yes sir." they all replied.

Bulkhead and Smokescreen left the room and Arcee stood up and handed Bumblebee to Optimus before joining them. Optimus looked down at the recharging sparkling and smiled. As he was leaving the room, he glanced over at the building Bumblebee had made with the blocks. It was a spacebridge.

Time skip

Optimus sat on his berth and rubbed his faceplate tiredly. He had so many thoughts going through his processor. One in particular stuck out. Bumblebee had built a spacebridge. If he had meant to do that, it could mean he remembered Cybetron. If he didn't mean to build a spacebridge, then it didn't really mean anything. Optimus' mind drifted to a new thought. To a memory of when they were all back on Cybertron.


Optimus walked down a hall torwards his berthroom. It had been another long day and he was ready to see his family. He paused in front of a door to make sure no bots commed him or needed anything. When no one came, he walked into the room and closed the door. It wasn't much to look at, just a berth and some boxes and another door leading to another berthroom, but to him, this was home. No one was in the larger room so he walked over to the second door and looked in there. He saw his sparkmate, Elita and his sparkling, Bumblebee, sitting on the ground playing a game. Elita must have heard him open the door because she looked up and smiled at Optimus. He came over and sat next to her, brought her close to him and hugged her.

"How are you my love?" asked Optimus.

" I'm fine, how are you?" she asked.

"I'm doing better." he replied.

Bumblebee had crawled over to the two bots and was sitting in Optimus' lap. Optimus used his free servo to hug Bee and Elita put her arms around Optimus. It was just the three of them. They were a happy family.

Optimus stood up and walked over to a door. Like their room on Cybertron, Optimus' room was connected to Bumblebee's. He opened the door and looked in. Bumblebee was recharging peacefully on his berth. Optimus and Elita promised each other that if something happened to the other bot, they would keep Bumblebee safe. Optimus was determined to keep the promise and he promised to be there for Bumblebee, whenever Bee needed him. Optimus closed the door and got on to his berth, that memory playing over and over in his processor, until, finally he fell into a peaceful recharge.

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