Chapter 3

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Remember, I still do not own Transformers. Also, I changed the name of the title because someone has already used the title Sparkling Troubles and I do not want to steal their idea. 

Raf's pov

The bots had allowed us to stay overnight so we could be here when Bee woke up. Ratchet wouldn't let me see Bumblebee yet but he said he should be fine. I was really nervous and anxious. Wheeljack and Smokescreen had returned and Smokescreen was trying to pester Optimus with questions but Ultra Magnus was glaring at him. Finally he decided to leave Optimus alone and see what the others were doing.  Arcee and Bulkhead kept trying to reassure me, saying Bee had been through harder things than this. It was the middle of the night and no one had gone to sleep. Everyone wanted to be awake when Bee woke up. I rubbed my eyes tiredly when I heard a faint beeping sound. The others heard it to because Ratchet ran over to the med bay and we heard him say, " By the Allspark." 

" Ratchet," asked Optimus, " what is wrong." 

" Whatever the Decipticons injected into Bumblebee, it appears to have given  him back his voice box." 

 No one said anything but I gasped as Ratchet carried a tiny Bumblebee out of the med bay.

" Ratchet, " I asked, shocked, " what happened to Bumblebee?" 

" Bumblebee was turned into a sparkling. What you humans would call a baby and somehow has his voice box back. " replied Ratchet. Then he turned to Optimus, " Optimus, I believe it would be best if Bumblebee recharged in his berthroom tonight. There is nothing more I can do for him and we will be able to hear him better than if he remained out here."

" Thank you Ratchet, I can take him to his room then we must all get some recharge, " said Optimus, " the Decipticons will most likely want to take advantage of our smaller numbers and we must be ready for anything." 

Everyone replied with a " yes sir." then they went off to recharge. 

Everyone had left but Ratchet was still cleaning up the med bay. I ran over to him and asked, " Ratchet, will Bumblebee be okay? "

" I hope so Rafael." Ratchet replied. 

< Time Skip to Morning > 

Arcee's  pov

I walked into the central area and saw Wheeljack and Bulkhead hanging out with the kids and Ratchet was working at one of the consules. ( not sure I spelled that right, sorry ) 

I went over and asked " Where is everyone?" 

Ratchet replied, " Optimus, Ultra Magnus, and Smokescreen went to an energon mine, Bumblebee is still asleep and Bulkhead and Wheeljack are hanging out with the kids."

I nodded my head and walked off. Since there was nothing to do I decided to go for a drive.

" Jack, " I called, " want to go for a drive?"

" Sure thing!" Jack called back.

I transformed and Jack hopped and we left. ~ Maybe, I thought, today I could break my speed record.~

< Time Skip to Base> Ratchet's pov

Miko and Raf were playing a game and Bulkhead and Wheeljack were watching them. I looked down at the screen and sighed. I needed to figure out how to change Bumblebee back to normal but I had no idea of were to start.

" At least it is quiet around here today. " I said softly to myself.

Then, a comm link went of just as Bumblebee started crying.

{ Ratchet, can you send us a ground bridge? } asked Ultra Magnus.

{ Sending you one now.} I responded.

I fired up the ground bridge and the three bots walked out just as Bee's crying grew louder. 

" Has he been like this all morning? " asked Optimus.

" No, thank Primus, he just started crying." I responded.

Optimus nodded his helm and the three bots continued to place down the energon blocks. Smokescreen then went to go see what Bulkhead and Wheeljack were doing and Ultra Magnus and  Optimus walked down the hallway torwards the berthrooms. I watched them wall down the hall and sighed. Ultra Magnus and I were the only bots who knew Optimus' and Bumblebee's secret and it was hard to keep quiet. I couldn't imagine how hard it was for Optimus to stay quiet. I turned back to the screen and continued to work.

Optimus' pov

I walked down the hallway and I heard a door close. Ultra Magnus must have gone to his berthroom. I continued walking down the hallway when I finally reached Bumblebee's door. I walked in and went over to his berth and picked him up. His crying suddenly stopped and I rocked him gently hoping that he would fall asleep again. He didn't. He stared at me with his big blue optics, not blinking. 

I smiled and said to myself, " Oh Bumblebee, what am I going to do? "

He looked at me then yawned and fell asleep. I went back over and set him on his berth, left and quietly closed the door. 

I walked back into the main room and Ratchet walked over to me. "Is he asleep?" he asked.

" Yes, he is." I answered back as Ultra Magnus walked in.

" Maybe ," Ultra Magnus said, " he will stay asleep." 

I nodded my head when I heard Smokescreen call. " Optimus, Ultra Magnus, Ratchet, there is something you should see.

Bumblebee's pov ( didn't see that coming )

I woke up and everything was dark. I got off my berth and felt around for the door handle. I opened the door and bright light flooded my room. It hurt my optics but I wanted to find my sire. I walked out and walked right into another bot.

I looked up, waved my servo and said, " Hi!" 

The tall bot only looked down at me in shock. 

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