Chapter 10

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Authors Note: I have almost six hundred reads on this story!!!! I can't even explain how excited I am about that. Thank y'all so much!!!!

Early Morning, Smokescreen's POV

Dirt stirred up behind me as I raced through the desert. With Bee gone, I had to get Raf. I turned towards the town and started to slow down. After Optimus had gotten on to me about speeding, I had started taking it down a few notches. Still, if the humans didn't want my going that fast then they shouldn't have built that vehicle like that. I found myself outside of Raf's house and honked my horn to get his attention. The young boy ran out of the house a few minutes later and slid into the passenger seat.

"Hey Smokescreen. Thanks again for picking me up." Raf

"No problem kid." I said as I adjusted my mirrors. No other car was coming near me but Raf must have caught me.

"Smokescreen, you know Optimus doesn't want you speeding. Of road is one thing but on a street, you could hit someone." Rat stated.

"But we'll never get to your school in time. Don't you want to get there early." I asked.

Raf laughed as I revved my engine. "So that's a yes?" 

"No Smokescreen." Raf laughed.

"Alright, alright. You sure you don't let Bee speed just a little." I joked. All of a sudden I knew I had said the wrong thing. Raf had gone quiet and he started vacantly out the window. 

"Raf, I'm sorry. I know you miss Bee but don't worry. He's tough and we won't let anything happen to him. I promise." I said, as confidently as I could.

"Thanks Smokescreen." Raf said.

"Of course kid." 

I pulled up to the school and we were greeted by the other kids. The three of them walked into the building as me, Arcee, and Bulkhead pulled away. We started driving back towards the base in silence.

"Have, um, either of you heard anything about Bee?" I asked quietly.

"No," Bulkhead started, "but Optimus will let us know the moment he hears something."

I didn't say anything. I just drove on, thinking.

"Why? Is everything alright?" asked Arcee.

"Yah. I just think that Raf needs to see Bumblebee. The kid is definitely hurting. We all are." I stated, intently. 

The three of us continued the drive to the base in silence. Once we got there, the base was filled was grave tones. Without Bee here, this place had become as lively as a deserted battle field. If I strained my audio receptors, I could just start to imagine the base filled with laughter. No matter what, Bumblebee found a way to bring light to our darkest hours. My mindset became serious. I had promised Raf that Bumblebee would come home and that was what I intended to do.

Megatron's POV, The Nemesis

I glared into the that the Autobot bug was sitting in. His fearful optics kept dashing around the room and eventually they landed on me. He froze. I waited a few nano-clicks (seconds) before approaching the cell door. The bug continued to stare at me, frozen in fear.

"Well, you still seem to fear me. Do you know who I am?" I asked.

He shook his helm, optics still large. "I want to go home." he begged.

"You must have forgotten, this is your home. The wretched Autobots tortured you and used you to test one of their new weapons." I said, as gently as I could muster.

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