Chapter 8

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Authors note: Just a quick thing. I changed the cover of the story but the cover is not mine! I found it on Pinterest and I don't know who it belongs but credit goes to the owner(s). Alright, sorry about that but I just want to make sure I don't want to steal anything from anyone. I'll stop ranting now. On with the story! 

No one's pov

Ratchet looked tiredly at the screen he had been working at for the past four hours. He was trying to locate the Nemesis but with no luck. He glanced over at the human's clock and saw that he had worked until the middle of the night, again. Against Optimus' orders, he hadn't been recharging since Bumblebee was turned into a sparkling. Slowly, he left the main room and went down the hallway that led towards his berthroom. Before he got there, he stopped in front of two closed doors. The two doors led to Optimus' and Bumblebee's berthroom. Optimus had gone to his berthroom early that evening claiming that he was going to recharge, but Ratchet hadn't believed their leader. He knew Optimus didn't want to show emotions in front of his team so he would go somewhere private to show emotions. Many bots decided that the Prime was emotionless but Ratchet knew that to be completely untrue. Their leader was full of emotion but he kept it to himself so it wouldn't bother his team. Elita had been the same way and even Bumblebee had grown up not showing emotions. While Bumblebee's wings and optics tended to give away how he was feeling, he could shut down his emotions quickly. The whole family could. 

Ratchet sighed, and looked down, not knowing what he could do to assist Optimus. Fearing for Optimus, but unable to do anything for him, Ratchet walked off. He walked into his berthroom and closed the door and laid down on his berth. Before he fell into recharge, he played the day's events over in his processor. 


~Ratchet stood by the screens as Arcee, Bulkhead, Smokescreen, and Ultra Magnus told Optimus what had happened to Bumblebee. Optimus kept a straight faceplate during the entire conversation, but inside he was breaking down. Optimus didn't seem mad or upset and that was what was bothering Ratchet. He knew it was unhealthy for Optimus to keep his emotions bottled up like that. Eventually, he wouldn't be able to bottle his emotions anymore. Ratchet had seen Elita once lose control of her emotions when Optimus returned from a mission with his spark nearly offlined. Elita never moved from his side and had snapped at every bot that came close to him. She held multiple medics at sword point because they forced her to leave the med bay. He had also seen Bumblebee lose his cool. Bumblebee had fought Megatron and Starscream by himself when they had tortured Arcee and Bulkhead and the scout had been nearly offlined by the time they had gotten him back to base. Optimus hid more emotions that either of those two bots had and Ratchet had no idea what the Prime would be capable of doing when he let his emotions take over. 

Ratchet had gotten lost in thought because suddenly Optimus was right next to him.

"Ratchet, I am going to recharge. Please, tell me if you find anything." said Optimus.

"Of course Optimus." replied Ratchet, as he watched his leader walk away.

~End of Memory~

With that memory going over and over in his processor, Ratchet fell into a troubled recharge.

Timeskip to Morning, The Nemesis

Starscream was watching the sparkling while Shockwave prepared his lab. Starscream looked over at the recharging sparkling and smirked.

"If only Megatron would let us terminate you now bug. It would save us so much trouble." He said pacing. "But, Megatron wants you alive. For some reason. A foolish decision really."

Starscream checked his clock again and sighed. Shockwave should have been ready thirty breems ago. He was tempted to go and check on the one-eyed, crazy scientist but he knew Megatron would do something awful to him if he left his post. He sighed again and rubbed his helm. If he had been leading the Decepticons then he would have killed the scout the moment he was brought onto the ship.

{Starscream, the lab is ready. Bring the sparkling.} said Knockout over the comm link.

Starscream complained under his breath how unfair his job was but opened the door anyways. Bumblebee must have heard the comm link go off because the nine vorn old youngling was sitting in the cell with his optics wide open. Starscream went into the cell and grabbed the sparkling by his arm, pulling him roughly to his pedes. The sparkling said nothing as Starscream dragged him towards the lab. Starscream entered the lab and handed Bumblebee roughly over to Soundwave, who, in turn dragged him over to the table where Knockout was. Knockout took the sparkling and placed him on the table and attached the chains to his stabilizers and arms. Bumblebee had not said anything, only watching all the bots with fearful optics. Shockwave turned around holding multiple objects in his servos that Starscream could not identify. 

"Starscream, Knockout, it is illogical for you to remain here. Leave." stated Shockwave.

Knockout and Starscream, not wanting to be told twice, hurriedly left the room. They had not been fast enough because they heard familiar screams coming from the lab. They looked at each other, neither showing pity but both thinking the same thing. Shockwave must be doing something terrible because that was exactly how the scout had screamed when his voicebox was ripped out.

Author's note: Okay, a few things. First, my updating schedule is no longer a thing. Not that it really ever was a thing. I'm updating when I have a chance. It should just be every few weeks but it might be longer or shorter depending on everything. I'm still in school and it has been kinda of hectic. Once summer gets here I should be able to update more often. Secondly, I have been so excited to write this chapter! This is where I think it starts getting more exciting and entertaining! I have been planning the coming chapters since I started writing this story. Okay, so nothing really important or necessary. 

Have a good day or night everyone and have a wonderful Easter (even though it is a little early)!

"He is not here for He has risen just as He said." - Matthew 28:6

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