Chapter 9

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Optimus' pov

It was late, again. I hadn't recharged since Bumblebee was captured. My processor constantly had thoughts racing around my processor and not just thoughts, but memories. Memories about life back on Cybertron. When I was with my family and when Cybertron was still in its Golden Age. An old memory filled my processor. 


I was walking through the halls in the Archives. It was starting to get dark as I weaved my way through the shelves. My processor was spinning was all sorts of thoughts. Well, actually it was only one thought. Elita, or, as she was know then, Ariel. I had fallen helm over peds for the femme. We had been together for so long that I wanted to (finally) ask her to bond with me. I kept thinking about how I would ask her when I found myself sprawled out on the ground. I looked up to see which wall I had run into this time when I found myself starting at my brother, Megatronus.  

"Honestly Orion, how do you get around if you are constantly running into everything." chuckled Megatronus as he extended his servo towards me.

I laughed as I grabbed his servo. "Well, I manage. Besides, I'm not that clumsy."

"Whatever you have to say to make yourself recharge better at night." joked Megatronus. "Now, on to more pressing matters. How in Primus' name are you going to pop the question to Ariel?"

"I'm, well, still working on that." I muttered.

"If  you keep talking like that then you'll never be able to ask her out. You should hurry Orion. If you don't do it then I will will." Megatronus snickered.

"What! You wouldn't!" I gasped.

"You bet I would. Just think about it. A big, handsome gladiator like me with a beautiful little femme."  Megatronus said.

"Alright, alright! I'll ask her soon. I just have to figure out how." I chuckled.

"Good." Megatronus stated. "Now let's go home. You won't be able to think if you don't get some recharge."

The two of us started walking towards the doors, laughing and talking with one another.

I was suddenly yanked from my memory by an excruciating pain in my spark. I collapsed on the my berth and grabbed the edges as I clutched my chassis. My spark throbbed painfully as I started gasping for air. I had no idea what was happening when everything stopped. All the pain went away as quickly as it had come. I didn't remember receiving any wounds to my chassis. There should be no reason my spark started hurting like that. Then, I remembered. I must not have closed off my sparkbond with Bumblebee. I must still be able to feel what he felt. My armor started heating up and I was trembling. If the cons where putting my youngling through all that pain then they would have another thing coming for them. I hadn't been able to save Elita but I refused to lose Bumblebee. It would be useless to try and recharge now. I left my berthroom and went straight for the consoles in the main room. Ratchet was recharging so I had everything to myself. I turned on the consoles and started searching for the Nemesis.  

Late The Next Morning, Bumblebee's pov

I curled up in the corner of my cell. The stitches in my neck burned but there was nothing I could do to stop it. Every breath I took made my neck burn and sting. I could barely remember what had even happened. The pain in my neck flared up again as I moved my head. I stopped moving and sat there for a while before I started fidgeting again. My servos weren't chained and neither were my peds. I could use that to my advantage. When I had gained some more strength and rest  I could find a way off this wretched ship. I don't know where I will go or to who but anything would be better than rusting away in this cell. 

I watched some of the bots walk by and every single one of them gave me dirty looks. I wanted to know why. I hadn't done anything. Had I? For some reason I felt like something similar had happened before. I strained my processor for anything helpful but I couldn't think of anything. I kept finding myself thinking about my voicebox. Speaking of my voice, my neck still felt like it was on fire. My voicebox hurt. Some bot had taken it out and then returned it but they weren't to gentle about it. Why had I felt like this had happened before? I tried to remember what had been going on before this but the only thing I could think of was the strange place I had been at. There were multiple bots there. There was a red and blue one with huge shoulders, a red and orange one, and another red and blue one. There were a few others but I couldn't remember them. The red and blue mech, the one called Optimus or Prime, he seemed really nice. Maybe he would help me. For now, I just needed to wait. Unfortunately, that wasn't my speciality.

Early Afternoon of the Same Day, Megatron's pov

I was in the bridge staring at nothing in particular while I waited for Shockwave to finish his experiment. I was interested to see what he found. I glanced over at the monitors and sighed internally. The Autobots would be coming the moment they found the ship's frequency. They all cared greatly for their little scout. I intended to use that to my advantage. I shifted my stance as I stood there. I had assumed Shockwave to be done by now but I was mistaken. The scientist must still be working. I turned my gaze as I heard a door open.

"My lord, I have finished with the tests and there is information that would be beneficial to your cause." Shockwave stated.

"Well done Shockwave. Now, what have you found?" I asked.

"The liquid, B-127, is a success. The Autobot's scout seems to have grown at a constant rate. His voicebox has returned, undamaged and he has no recollection of his past memories." Shockwave stated.

"Are those the only things you found out?" I demanded.

"No my lord, there is one more piece of information I believe you will find quite interesting." Shockwave started, " The scout's CNA is similar to one of the other Autobots. I must run a few more tests to make sure of this but I believe that he is the sparkling of Optimus Prime." 

I froze for a minute before I spoke again.

"Thank you Shockwave. This has been quite helpful. You may return to your work."

Shockwave left the bridge and I continued to stare. All these vorns and I never knew that my enemy had a sparkling. If he was the son of Optimus, then that would make him related to me. I was the scout's uncle. That was too much to process. Yet, for some reason, I could almost fathom the bug and the Prime truly being family. I could see Optimus in the scout. I could also see myself in the scout. His witty comebacks that he had, refusing to stand down to an opponent much stronger than himself. Yes, I saw it now. Perhaps Bumblebee was Optimus Prime's son. What was I thinking? I should not be wasting time trying to figure out our messed up family tree. There was only one thing that continued to bother me. Before the war, Optimus, or Orion, had no family besides me. If Optimus was the sire, then that still left the question of who his carrier was. Optimus could have had a sparkling with almost any femme. I mentally slapped myself again. How could I forget about Elita, his sparkmate. Slowly, a sinister smile spread across my faceplate as I started to chuckle. If the scout truly was the Prime's sparkling then I had no doubt that Optimus would stop at nothing to save him.

Authors Note: I know Optimus and Megatron aren't actually brothers but for the sake of the  story they are now! Alright, that was it. I'm just gonna awkwardly leave now. *waves* WAIT! I'm back. I'f y'all find any grammar errors or awkward writing spots, let me know. I'm want to improve my writing. Alright, now I'm actually done. Bye. 

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