Chapter 11

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Authors Note: Hey y'all! How are y'all doing? Just thought I'd let you know that I'm almost finished with the book. I have other books that I will start posting soon. I wanted to finish this one so I can devote my time to those books. Also, thank you for all the comments and votes! I'm glad that y'all have enjoyed the story so far or at least been willing to stick with me this far. Now, I'll stop talking and let y'all start reading.

Optimus' POV

Bumblebee had been missing for almost an entire human week. My fights with Megatron had never made me this worried. My optics stared at the screen, darting back and forth. I didn't know what  I was even looking for but I would take any little bit of information I could. My servos trembled as the monitor came up empty again. My shoulders dropped. It felt like the weight of the world had fallen on to my back. Then a soft beeping woke my senses. The monitor found something.


This couldn't be happening. I refused to let this happen again. 

The monitor wasn't always correct. I tried to comfort myself. I was failing, miserably. I shut my optics and my servos squeezed together. I wasn't going to cry. I had to stay strong, for my team, for Bumblebee. Timidly, I opened my optics, hoping that I had been seeing things. I hadn't. 

No One's POV

"Get up bug" a voice growled.

The other bot didn't move.

"I said, get up." The bot snapped, kicking the smaller bot.

The trembling form only whimpered in response to the harsh treatment. These bots had been pushing him for hours, barely letting him rest. He was running off of his emergency Energon supply but even that wouldn't last much longer. The mech pulled himself up before he could be kicked again and faced his much larger opponent. The blue, hefty mech stood in front, his weapons out. 

"Please. Stop. I'm begging you." he cried out.

"If you were begging, you would be on your knees. Now, try again and this time, don't mess up." the larger mech snapped.

The young bot's "training" continued till dark when he was guided harshly to his quarters. Well, more of a cell than anything but it did the job. The door was locked and the young mech was left with only his thoughts for company. They hadn't changed much. The same thoughts had been going through his helm since he had come here. 

I have to escape, I have to find help, I have to survive. 

He tried to comfort himself but had no luck. He was sore from training. He was extremely tired but couldn't fall asleep. His Energon takes would be empty soon. On top of all of that, his helm felt like it was splitting open. Whatever that bot had done to him left lasting affects. He groaned when he remembered that he would do the same thing tomorrow. There had to be a way out of this torturous cycle.

Someone was pounding on the door, threatening to break it. The mech opened his optics stared at it lazily. He didn't want to move, the berth felt so nice. The constant pounding was making his helm-ache worse. Bang! The door hit the ground and an angry Decepticon stood behind it.

"Shockwave is waiting for you." Breakdown growled. I tried to stifle my whimper. 

I was locked onto the medical berth again while Shockwave completed the process.  Acid travelled through my neck. The restraints cut into my wrists as I struggled. Then, it was over just as quickly as it had started. Something had happened. Something had gone wrong. It shouldn't have stopped that quickly. It usually burned for orns. I lifted my helm as high as possible and saw Shockwave standing at a screen. I couldn't see what he was working on and his emotionless posture didn't give anything away. 

Ratchet's POV

My fingers gently tapped the monitor, waiting for the results to come up. I glanced over at Optimus once again, scanners still running. He hadn't been himself for days. The fact that Optimus had kept up his serious demeanor was a mystery and a cause for concern. Working like this put more stress on the frame and, ultimately, it could lead him to his death. Yet, Optimus wouldn't listen. He was too stubborn. A trait that had been with him even before he received the matrix. As the Energon scanners came up empty, I decided to put my efforts elsewhere. 

"Optimus," I said, walking over to him, "you should take a break. You haven't left the monitors all day."

He wasn't paying attention.

"Optimus." I said again, my voice raising a bit. "You need to take a break." I waited and I heard him give a sigh of defeat. Slowly, he stepped away, his movements choppy. I could tell, he hadn't slept recently. 

"Optimus," my voice was soft, "please, get some rest. You will feel better." I expected him to put up a fight but he didn't. He did something I had never seen him do. 

"What if we never find him?" His voice was so timid, it almost made me scared. Never had I heard Optimus talk like this. 

I didn't know what to say. I couldn't promise him we would find Bumblebee but he needed reassurance about something. "Optimus," I started, but was cut off by the alarm system. The screeching monitor flashed brightly as we hurried over to it. Two signals were on the screen.

"The Nemesis." I muttered.

"Bumblebee" Optimus whispered. 

The blaring sounds gained volume as the sound of peds running filled the room. Arcee and Smokescreen now stood in the room. 

"Arcee, Smokescreen, the monitors have picked up Bumblebee's signal as well as the Nemesis. There is no telling how long we will have this information so we must leave now. If possible, we will call for assistance when the Wreckers return."

"Yes sir." was their only response.

I fired up the ground bridge as the two young bots headed towards it. Before he could leave, I grabbed Optimus' arm.

"Be careful, please. And, bring him home"

"I will. I promise." 

The ground bridge closed. The only thing left to do was wait.

No One's POV

The ground bridge roared to life, the blue vortex providing the only light in the hallway. 

"Finding Bumblebee and the lab are our top priorities. Do not engage in any unnecessary actions. The sooner we can accomplish this, the better it will be for all of us." Optimus order as the three bots stepped out of the ground bridge. "I will find Bumblebee. I want the two of you to find the lab and get the information we need to amend our scout." 

Arcee and Smokescreen gave solemn nods before turning away, towards the lab. Optimus began his descent through the ship. His time here as Orion Pax had served useful as he now knew exactly where everything was located. The passages loomed out in front of him, like a maze. Several times, his memory failed him and he found himself stuck, in dead-ends. 

Author's Note:

Honestly, I have no excuses. This took me forever. The good thing is that I am almost finished with the other chapters. It was just this one that I for some reason couldn't finish. Thanks for being patient with me!

Also, today is Veterans Day and I want to honor the men and women who have served and are serving. So, if you are a veteran or know a veteran, I am incredibly grateful for the sacrifices you have made. 

"We are forever indebted to those who have given their lives so that we might be free." - President Ronald Reagan 

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