Chapter 6

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Ratchet's pov
Bumblebee was sitting on a box just watching all of the activity go on around him. There wasn't anything for him to do. The Decepticons had been oddly quiet recently and it was putting the whole team on edge. Suddenly, the alarms went of and all the bots in the room jumped to their pedes. Ratchet went over to the screen, trying to find what had caused the alarm. 

"Optimus," I said, "it appears the con's have found an energon mine. Thankfully it is not large" 

"Ratchet, open up a ground bridge. Arcee, Bulkhead, come with me." said Optimus

The three bots went through the ground bridge and after Ratchet shut it off, everything was quiet at the base again. Ratchet glanced over at the young sparkling and sighed. It must be hard for him to watch his sire leave all the time but the sparkling didn't even seem to realize that Optimus had left.

"Perhaps he is just use to it" I muttered quietly to myself.

"Who is use to what?" asked Smokescreen.

"Nothing" I said. "Why don't you go watch Bee. Make sure he doesn't get into trouble."

"But Ratchet," Smokescreen whined, "I watched him yesterday. Can't some other bot watch him today?"

"No." I said. " You can watch Bumblebee. Besides, he is older so now you can do something with him instead of just watching him."

"Fine." mumbled Smokescreen as he started to walk off towards Bee.

"Just remember to be careful with him. He is still young and you don't want him getting hurt." I said, in a serious tone.

"Yah, yah, I'll be careful. Don't worry Doc Bot." teased Smokescreen.

Suddenly, a wrench went flying through the room and found its mark on the back of Smokescreen's helm. 

"Hey," shouted Smokescreen, suddenly turning around, "what was that for?"

"Don't call me Doc Bot again Smokescreen." I said, "and I am serious. You need to be careful with Bumblebee. If Optimus finds out that he got hurt because of you he will be furious."

"Okay, okay. I promise I will be careful." said Smokescreen, walking off around the corner.

Bumblebee's pov

I was sitting on a box not really doing much of anything when I saw another bot walk over to me. He didn't look familiar and I hoped that he would just go right pass me. Unfortunately, I didn't have luck on my side. He stopped right in front of me and crouched down.

"Hey Bee," he said, "let's go see what the kids are doing."

~How does this bot know my name.~ I thought. ~I don't know him! And why is he talking to me?~

I was starting to panic and then he grabbed my servo and said again, " Let's go see the kids Bumblebee."

I did the only thing I could think of and I cried out. There must have been another bot nearby because I heard the sounds of pedes running. Ratchet showed up and started shouting at the other bot.

"Smokescreen, what were you doing to him?" asked Ratchet, none to quietly.

"I didn't do anything to him. I told him that we would go see what the kids were doing. He wasn't paying attention and so I gently grabbed his servo and said then he just started to freak out." said the strange bot.

"Bumblebee," said Ratchet, gently, " Smokescreen wasn't going to do anything to you. You know that. Now calm down and go with him to see the kids."

"I don't want to go with him." I said, fearfully.

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