Chapter 12 Tonight

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter J.K ROWLING does. I only own Elle.

So all Harry had to tell me was what happened in the forest. He told us about how a centaur named Firenze and how he saw v-Voldemort.
"Snape wants the stone for Voldemort....Voldemorts in the forest....i thought Snape just wanted to get rich."
"Stop saying the name!" Ron whispered terrified. Harry ignored him and kept mumbling. I sighed.
"I don't think it's Snape." I whisper.
"What?" Harry snaps angrily. I wince from his tone.
"I-I just don't think it's him." Harry glares at me.
"Snape is going to steal the stone. then Voldemort will come finish me off....." Hermione looked frightened.
"Harry We all know You-know-who is afraid of Dumbledore. And Dumbledore is here, you-know-who won't touch you." Harry just sighed and glared at me again before he went to his dorm with Ron. I felt tears in my eyes and tried to blink them away. I went to bed that night my eyes watering and Harry mad at me.


Dear Ginny,
I miss you so much. I need to talk to my sister. I made a friend named Hermione but it's not the same. I miss talking to you. Harry is mad at me because I don't think our teacher Snape is evil. The say he's trying to help you-know-who. don't say anything about this to mum or dad. We aren't positive like I said I don't thinks snape. Since Harry is mad at me so is Ron. They haven't talked to me all week and it's exam week to make things even better.Hermione gives me small smiles but stays with Harry and Ron. I'm mad that they aren't talking to me because something stupid like this. I can't wait to see you Gin. I love you tell Mum and Dad I said Hello and that I miss them.
Love lots,

We just finished our exams. It was terrible all the stress of passing and the stress if my friends ignoring me was torture. So yes my friends have been ignoring me and I've had to hang out with the twins. And it's getting annoying.
"C'mon Elle! Let's go prank Some Slytherins again." Fred said happily with George right behind him, identical grins on their faces.
"We did that only an hour ago!"
"Yea that was so long ago! Let's go!" George grins. I sigh. The twins notice that I'm upset.
"Elle did you talk to Harry and them at all this week?"
"No." I whisper.
"What about Ron?" George asks putting his arm around my shoulders.
"He's not talking to me."
"WHAT!" The twins yell angrily.
"He's your brother-"
"-He has to talk to you!" The twins say together.
"Well he's not." I sigh, "I'm going to the great hall for lunch." I smile slightly at them. "see you guys later." I walk down to the Great Hall alone avoiding Slytherins along the way. I sit down at the Gryffindor table and yawn. I've barely slept this week because of these stupid exams. I must look terrifying. I pile bacon onto my plate and begin to wolf it down. I see Harry, Mione, and Ron further down the table. Harry keeps glancing at me and looks pained. Good this is his fault. Honestly just because i don't think Snape is the bad guy they're going to ignore me. I saw Harry rubbing his scar. I knew it was hurting him and I wish I could help him. I look down as our eyes meet briefly. I see Harry jump up out of the corner of my eye and take off out of the Great Hall with Mione and Ron on his heels. I don't even think I just run after the trio to find out what's going on. I see them heading for Hagrid's hut and sneak down there to listen.
"The night you won Norbert? What did the stranger you were playing cards with look like?" Harry asked the large man.
"Dunno," Hagrid said whittling a flute. "he wouldn't take his cloak off." my eyebrows raise. "it's not unusual he just kept his hood up, never saw his face."
"What did you talk about?" Oh no I know what Harry's getting at."
"He asked about what sorta creatures at had and I told him after Fluffy and dragon would be no big deal."
"Did he seem interested in Fluffy?" Harry asked urgently.
"Well who wouldn't be?"
"What did you say?"
"I told him Fluffy was a piece of cake if you know how to calm him down. jus' play a little bit of music..."
"I shouldn't have told you that!" Hagrid blurted. The trio took off towards the castle and I followed. they came to a halt in the entrance hall.
"We have to see Dumbledore," Harry gasped out of breathe. "the stranger knows how to get past Fluffy and it was either Snape or Voldemort under that cloak. hope Dumbledore believes us, wheres his office. " Harry says in a rush. they were bout to leave again when professor Mcgonagal came around the corner.
"What are you four doing inside?"
"Four?" Harry says confused. he glances around and sees me standing in the shadows. He looks surprised but turns back to the professor. "we need to talk to Dumbledore."
"Why?" Mcgonagal says shocked.
"It's a secret." oh no that made Mcgonagal mad.
"He's just left."
"He's gone! Now!" Harry said frantically. "this is important! Look professor it's about the sorcerers stone-" the books tumbled out of Professor Mcgonagals arms.
"How did you know-" she says baffled.
"Professor we think someone's going to steal it. we need dumbledore."
"He'll be back tomorrow. I'll assure you the stone is well protected."
"I know what I'm talking about Potter. go outside and enjoy the sun." but they didnt. I shuffled back in the shadows.
"It's tonight, Snapes going through the trapdoor tonight."
"What can we do-" she went silent. Snape was standing there.
"Good afternoon." he said in his nasally voice. "you should be outside on a day like this." no one said a word.
"We were-" Harry trued to say something.
"You want to be more careful, people will think your up to something." he strode off and glared at me as he passed. the three must have forgot I was there as they planned how to get past Fluffy tonight. They were caught by Mcgonagal and sent back to the common room. they noticed me and Harry gave me a small smile but didn't say anything. I'm going to protect him. He won't need to go down the trapdoor tonight. Because I'll already have gotten the stone for him. I don't want my friends to get hurt. So tonight I'll be going down the trapdoor tonight, alone.


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