Book 2 chapter 2

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"Where HAVE you been!" Mum screeches at a pitch so high that I'm pretty sure Americans could hear her. The boys all flinch back at her tone and cower behind me. "Beds empty! Car Gone! You could have died! you could have been seen!"
"Mum they were starving hi-"
" You leave that up to your father and I Ron Weasley!" Her face is so red that I giggle as I picture a tomato. She glares at me and I flinch back. Then I get an idea...
"I-I'm sorry mum. Please don't blame the boys it w-was my idea." I look at the floor in fake shame.
"Boys! I can't believe you would make your Little sister take the blame for you!" She scowls at the boys shaking her head in shame.
"No Mommy I-it really w-was me....I was just s-so worried since I haven't heard from H-harry..." I will tears to fill my eyes as I look up at her through my eyelashes, "please don't blame the boys."
Mum stops glaring at the boys to look at me and her gaze softens.
"Eleanor dear why didn't you just come talk to Arthur and I? We would have been able to help you."
I sniffled and looked at the floor trying not to smile. "I'm sorry I'll talk to you next time I was just so worried about Harry and I wanted to make sure he was okay."
I'm suddenly wrapped tightly in mums arms as she gushed over me. She wipes my cheeks to rid of the few fallen tears.
"Okay sweetheart just next time tell me instead of your brothers." I smiled shyly and nodded vigorously. "Now go wash up for breakfast, all of you! Chop chop!" She smoothed out her dress and makes her way toward the kitchen. Once she is gone I turn to the boys who are still standing in utmost shock. I dramatically bow for them, "that boys, is how it is done." I giggle and run up the stairs to get ready for the day ahead.


"We're going to Diagon Alley!! Elle come on!" Ginny whines as she tugs me down the stairs toward the fireplace. Everyone else was already waiting looking at me expectantly.
"Why so earlyyyy?" I yawn to emphasize how exhausted I am. Harry chuckled at me,
"It's not that early it's 9:30."
"Well mr potter I usually like to sleep until 11 thank you very much!" I huff at him and he rolls his eyes at me.
"Alright c'mon dears lets go."
"Mum Harry has never gone by floo-powder before." Ron told her looking at Harry for confirmation.
"Oh really um well Ron you go on first and show him how it's done and take Ginny with you please." Ron and Ginny step into the fireplace and Ginny takes his hand. Ron grabs a handful of the powder and throws it at his feet.
"Diagon Alley!" I flinch as they are engulfed in green flames that do not hurt you but it is bloody scary.
"Right Harry dear you're up!" MRS Weasley smiles brightly, "Eleanor why don't you go on with him for his first time. C'mon c'mon off you pop." I smile at Harry as I step into the fireplace along side him.
"Do you want to do the powder, Harry?" I ask as I take his hand. He blushes and nods stiffly.
"I just throw it on the ground?" He whispers nervously to me.
"Yes and say your destination clearly." I hand him the pot of powder and he takes a large handful. I give the pot back to mum and look at Harry expectantly.
"Digonalley!" He says loudly pronouncing the name wrong.
"Oh no Har-" I'm cut off as the flames engulf us and I'm yanked into the darkness, my only anchor being Harry's hand that is pulling me along. Fireplaces are whizzing past us in a blur and I squint to try and focus on them but there is no use. My head hurts horribly from our speed and the twisting and pulling of our bodies. I clutch Harry's hand tighter and I feel him squeeze my hand reassuringly. Suddenly we are dumped out of a fireplace and tumbling onto the floor covered in black soot. I being the graceful being that I am, land on my face letting out an attractive grunt. I lay there on my face refusing to face my shame by moving.
"El!" Harry hisses, "where the bloody hell are we?" I hear him struggling to de tangle his legs from mine as he stands. "Good lord Elle are you alright?" Suddenly I'm yanked into a standing position my my waist and I blush profusely.
"I think I'm okay." I mutter touching my throbbing head only to pull back with blood.
"Damn I think you hit your head on something as we fell out of the fireplace!?" Harry grabs my face and starts examining me. I blush and push him away.
" I'm fine Harry! Nothing can stop me!" I smile triumphantly. I finally glance around at our surroundings to see we are in a strange place. There are weird artifacts everywhere, nothing close to the warm homey places of Diagon alley. "Harry we need to leave, right now!" I hiss and tiff him away from a mummified hand he was about to grab. "Don't touch that!" I squeal and slap his chest. This place gives me the creeps! It's so dark and dirty. Honestly there is freaking mold on the ceiling hekalfhakskeiaj. Gross.
"Oh Merlin." Harry whispers and tugs me inside of this freaky casket thing.
"What's wron-" I'm cut off by Harry covering my mouth with his hand just as I hear the bell from the store door opening. I shove Harry's hand away from my mouth and glare at him but he is staring intently at the customers who just entered this ungodly shop. I try standing on my tiptoes to see out the little holes at the top of the casket and I barely make out platinum blonde hair. I gasp and Harry looks at me wide eyed.
"Father did you hear that?" I hear a snobby voice ask
"Not now Draco I'm trying to make a deal with mr Borgin here." That must be dracos father, git. No wonder this place is creepy we are in borgin &burkes in knockturn alley! I feel Harry heap my hand and try to pull my farther from the door of the casket. I glance up at him questionably and he just holds a finger to my lips. A shadow comes over the casket and o realize someone is standing right in front of it. Something slams against the casket making a loud cracking noise and I almost scream in fear.
"Do not touch anything Draco! We are here strictly on business." The snobby blondes father talks with Borgin some more before we hear them leaving the shop, Draco whining the entire time. We waited until we heard Borgin entering the back room before running out of the shop. I slunk behind Harry as we walked down the alley. This was sketchy stuff. Omfg that woman is selling human fingers.
"Well hello dearie what are you two doing in these parts?" A scary lookin witch cooed at Harry grabbing his shoulder.
"We-we are fine thank you." He shoved her hands away. Many more people start to crowd around us and a man grabs my arm pulling me from Harry.
"Harry!" I cry out and Harry looks scary as he glares at the man and starts towards us.
"Harry? Elle?" A voice booms down the alley. Let's just say I've never been so happy to see Hagrid in my life. The witches an wizards around us scatter as Hagrid comes forward and starts to lead us out of the alley. I latch myself back onto Harry in fear. This place is so creepy why is that woman smiling like such a pedo. These people are insane. I sigh in relief once we make it out of the alley. I had completely blanked out while we were walking trying not to get attacked by anything.
"El? El, are you good? Let's find the gang?" Harry is shaking my shoulder as I realize Hagrid has left and me and Harry are in the warmth of Diagon alley. I release my hold on Harry a little seeing that I was almost tearing his arm off. "Ye-yeah lets go!" I say letting out a breath and following harry.
"Harry! Elle!" I hear a voice call out through the throngs of people. I glance up to see my brainiac friend.
"MIONE!" I scream and clutch on to my girly friend. "I missed youuuu!" I sing as I hug the living day lights out of her.
"Okay okay I missed you too!" Hermione chuckles and then hugs Harry.
"Good to see you Hermione!" Harry smiles, "we got a little side tracked, mind helping us find the weasleys?"
"Yes I saw them near the bookshop lets go!" Mione smiles and leads us towards flourish and blotts. I had no idea that this year was only going to get more exciting from this moment on.

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