Chapter 4

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We have flying lessons today! I'm so excited! Madam Hooch told us all to line up next to a broomstick. I stepped up eagerly to my broomstick. Harry stumbled to take the one next to me. Blushing he looked at me grinning. I giggled quietly.
"Now. No fooling around got it? Hold your hand over your broom and say UP!" Madam Hooch waved her hand telling us to do so. I looked at my broom, biting my lip. please work
"UP!" I felt the broom snap up into my awaiting hand. I grinned and looked around. Harry had been able to get his broom up and was smiling triumphantly. Hermione seemed to be struggling a bit, she tried so hard at everything. I glanced over to Ron just in time to see the broom come up and smack him square in the face. I bit my lip hard. My face turning red from holding back my laughter. When Ron glared at Harry and I , I couldn't help it a burst of obnoxious laughter erupted from me. My laugh was a little Feiffer than normal and I had a feeling it was like someone's I knew. Almost bark like .
"Shut up Harry!" Ron groaned at Harry who was doubled over .
"Alright! now grasp your brooms tightly and rise a little into the air. Not to far up. On my whistle. Got it!" She raised the whistle to her lips but it was to late. Neville kicked off the ground and rose into the air. He panicked and began shouting in fear. I didn't think I grasped my broom tightly and flew toward Neville. I had flown over the summer a little with the twins and I was fairly good . Said I could possibly make the Quidditch team too.
"Calm down Neville and give me your hand." I tell the boy who was panicking before me. He tried to grab my hand but his broom only rose higher.
"Ahhhhhhh!" he screamed as his broom flipped on him. I looked at him with wide eyes. I could hear Madam Hooch yelling for us to come down from below but I ignored her.
"Jump Neville!!" But it was too late. His robes got stuck on a statue and his broom flew off. I sped up next to him and tried to pull him on my broom. He scrambled to get on causing my broom to shift downward. His weight and mine too much for the very old broom and Neville's scrambling. I heard Neville hit the ground with a thud and his wrist breaking. I squealed as my broom threw me off and onto the ground. I hit my head and things went black.
"Elle!" I Heard Harry and Ron yell before I finally went under.


I woke up to Madam Pomfrey prodding my side gently.
"How are you feeling Miss Weasley?" She asked me and held up a clipboard for my answer. Honestly I felt great. My body no longer hurt except a headache.
"Great except a small headache!" I tell her with a smile.
"Really? well then just take this capsule and you can be on your way!" I washed Down the pill quickly and scurried toward the door. Eager to find my friends and learn what had happened. "Oh miss Weasley!" I turned to look at madam Pomfrey, "Please be more careful next time you try and save someone?" She gave me a huge smile and I just grinned in response.


"Wow!! So Harry's the new seeker?" I gasp at Hermione. She nods her head quickly after telling me what happened after I blacked out. She also told me that Harry went ballistic when my eyes fluttered shut. He thought I was dead. Silly boy. We made our way into the great hall and sat down. I sat next to Harry who immediately gave me a hug and asked how I was.
"Fine Harry!" I laughed.
"Having a last meal, Potter? when are you getting the train back to the muggles?" A cold voice sneered behind us.
"You're a lot braver now with your pose and feet on the ground arnt you Malfoy?" Harry growled and clutched my hand. I was glad that we were in the great hall surrounded by teachers because I was fuming and would have killed the little twit.
"I'll take you anytime Potter. on my own."Malfoy looked around. "I know! how about a wizards duel? what's wrong potty never heard of a wizards duel, I suppose?" I look at Malfoy in shock. A wizards duel! We barely know any spells how in the name of Merlin are they supposed to duel? Something could go wrong and they would kill themselves!
"I'm his second who's yours?" Ron growled at Malfoy. Malfoy sized up his two gorilla friends.
"Crabbe. midnight tonight in the trophy room." Malfoy gave us one more cold look before turning on his heel and marching away.
"What even is a wizards duel?" Harry questioned me and Ron a little while after.
"Ron's your second in case you die." I state calmly.
"Die!!!" Harry exclaimed and I giggle
"You idiots will probably only be able to throw a few feeble sparks at each other." Harry's shoulders slump in relief.
"Excuse Me." I heard the bossy voice of Hermione. Drat I've been getting Ron to be nice to her and she's going to ruin it!
"Can't a person eat in peace?" Ron grumbled.
"Sorry for overhearing but you mustn't go wandering around at night you will lose our house points. that's really selfish." I hit my head repeatedly on the table making a loud noise. Harry grabs my head and holds it still for a second. "Elle stop." He hisses.
"None of your business Bye!" Ron sneered at Hermione. She huffed and walked off. I sigh and stare sadly after the girl. What am I going to do with her...


Later that night Me, Harry,and Ron were waiting in the common room for everyone to go to bed.
"Please just go to bed Elle!!"
"Eleanor Weasley you are not coming with us!" Harry scolded me.
"Yes I am."
"I'm your brother and I say no." Ron grins triumphantly.
"I'll just follow you anyway." I shrug.
Harry throw his hands in the air in defeat. We finally crawl out of the portrait hole only to hear the bossy voice of my friend Mione.
"I can't believe your doing this Harry." She scoffed at Harry. I just followed silently. The door swung shut behind us, Mione still lecturing Ron and Harry. I began to walk down the hall only to trip on a body.
"Oooooof!" I fell not so graciously onto the floor.
"Elle!Are you alright love?" Harry asks me giving me a hand up. I took note that he also called me love. Interesting.
"Neville what are you doing out here!" Ron asked the boy who had been lying on the ground.
"I forgot the password and the fat lady wouldn't let me in." He sniffed wiping away a few stray tears. I couldn't help but give him a quick hug causing his cheeks to turn a little pink.
"Well sorry Neville but we must get going uhhhh bye." Harry said quickly grabbing my hand and Ron's arm, dragging us down the hall.
"Don't leave me!" Neville cried "the fat lady left now there is no way for me a mad Hermione to get back inside!"
"Fine but I swear if we are caught by Filch because of you two..." Harry trailed off looking frustrated. We snuck down the halls making sure to stay in the shadows. We finally made it to the trophy room at midnight.
"Malfoys not here, little Git." I growled.
"Shhh Elle!" Hermione whispered looking around frantically.
"Your fine Mione! we arnt going to get caug-."
we heard the sound of a door slam and the shuffling of feet coming near us.
"Yes my sweet sniff around for the children." We heard Filth coo to his cat Mrs. Norris.
"That little git told Filch!!" I whispered angrily throwing my hands in the air. I was pulled by Ron behind a suit of armor just as Filch walked in. We began to slip out of the room quietly. Neville was whimpering in fear and Mione was muttering like crazy.
I whipped around to see Ron and Neville on the floor by a suit of armor. Drawing attention to our whereabouts.
"RUN!" Harry yelled taking off. We all followed on quick feet to escape Filch. Mrs. Norris ran us next to me and I have her a swift kick. Hahahahahahahaha always wanted to do that! she quickly stop following us. We ran down the corridor to a door.
"It's locked!!" Ron whispered frantically tugging at the handle.
"Oh move Over!" Hermione pushed my brother out of her way, "Alohormona!" There was a faint click and we all scrambled inside. Hermione locked the door behind us. I turned around to see and giant three headed dog. It's giant yellow eyes all staring at us. I shivered under its stare. The drool dripped from it's foaming mouth menacingly. The doorknob rattled behind me alerting me that Filch was just outside the door but I paid no mind. I was to busy paying attention to the beast in front of me. I looked down at its razor claws and noticed it was standing on a little trapdoor odd.
"Ok I thinks he's gone." Harry sighed
My breathing grew tagged as the dog lowered it's head a little toward me.
"Elle? what's wrong?" Harry asked. The others turned around to see the beast for the first time. They screamed in terror causing the dog to growl and lunge towards us. We all booked it out of the room but not before one of the head got my arm with one of its teeth leaving a scrape. We locked the door behind us and ran back to the common room. Luckily the fat lady was back.
"What the bloody hell are they doing keeping something like that in the school!!" Ron yelled once we were safely inside.
"Yes but Did you see what it was standing on?" Hermione asked.
"I was a little too worried about its heads! if you didn't notice it had three!" Ron yelled his voice cracking. I willed myself not to laugh at him. My face turning red and harry sniggered at me.
"It was standing on a trapdoor!" Hermione told us exasperated. I giggled at her.
"I assume it's guarding something."
"Weird what do they need guarded?" Harry asked aloud.
"Well I'm going to bed before we get in more trouble or worse Expelled!" Hermione huffed and ran up to our dorm. Neville had gone up when we got back. Ron looked at me and seemed to notice my arm.
"Elle your arm!!" He raced over to me to inspect my arm. Harry ripped my arm from him to inspect it himself.
"It's just a scratch!" I waved them off.
"Elle your bleeding a lot!" Harry growled at me taking my arm back.
"We told you not to come Elle! Knew you would get hurt!" Ron moaned prodding at the cut. I hissed at him and pulled my arm back.
"I'm fine"
"Here Elle." Harry began to take off his shirt and he tied it around the cut.
"To stop the bleeding for now. it's deep so we will take you to the hospital wing in the morning. No buts!" He scolded me. I look down in defeat and blushing at the fact Harry didn't have a shirt on.
"Ok." I yawned.
"Bed." Ron pointed at the stairs.
"Yes mum!" I playfully pushed him before giving him a hug.
I then turned and pulled Harry into a hug. "Thank you" I whispered in his ear. I then proceeded to walk up to my dorm to get some well deserved sleep..


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