Chapter 2. The Sorting

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it's September 1st. We go to Hogwarts today. My breathing came out in short gasps. I was so nervous. What if I was sorted in Slytherin and the Weasleys no longer wanted to speak to me! Ewwwwww then that slime Draco would be in the same house as me.What if they pushed me out!I groaned and put my head in my hands, rubbing my temples. I can't breathe!
" Elle you'll be fine! Don't worry! Me and George will protect you!" Fred cooed as he wrapped his arms around me for a hug. "No one is going to hurt our little adopted sissy!!" He and George chorus together. I smile at them wiping the tears I didn't know we're being shed. The past summer has been amazing. The Weasleys adopted me as one of their own so I never have to go back to that orphanage. I loved how I felt like I had a real family. it was great to have older brothers for once and a sister I told everything to. I give Fred a huge hug fiddling his hair lightly.
"Unless you're put in Slytherin, then we hate you!" George added from behind me. I turned around and stuck out my bottom lip. pouting.
"Ya know Mum never found out how her Denancy Derks CD broke.." I trailed off tapping my lip thoughtfully. I looked up at the two smirking widely. They gasped and looked at me shocked,

"You Wouldn't! " Fred stepped away from me. Fear glowing in his brown eyes. I just smiled at them waiting. I had helped them to much with hiding their schemes to let them get away with anything. I know all their secrets. "Elle! You know that ever since you brought that muggle music player here Mum wouldn't leave it alone! It was terrible!" I just stuck my tongue out at them teasing.

"MUM!" I shouted down the stairs. George clamped his hand over my mouth.
"Fine!! Elle we love you!! please please please be quiet!" he asked quietly. I smiled and licked his large hand. "Ewwwwww!" He jumped back wiping his hand on his jeans,"She licked me!" He exclaimed to Fred staring at me with a scowl. I just shrugged and smiled.

"Elle dear you alright?" Mrs. Weasley's concerned voice drifted up the stairs. The twins looked at me pouting. I sighed.
"Yes mum! just wondering when we have to leave!"
"In a hour dear! Can you please go get Ron up!!" I smiled. I absolutely adore waking up the boys.
"Sure thing Mum!" I skipped away from the twins to Ron's room.

"RONNY!!" I threw open his bedroom door with a slam. His bright orange Chuddley Cannons posters blinded me for a moment. I heard him groan and saw his bed move as he rolled over. hmmmm. Then I had an idea. Oh he's going to kill me. I ran and climbed on his bed jumping up and down.
"RONIKINS WAKE YOUR ARSE UP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. He swatted at me and I growled at him, "Ronnnnn we're going to Hogwarts! Come!" jump "ON!" jump. "Lets!" jump "GO!" I squealed as he grabbed my leg and pulled me down. I landed on the floor with a thud. Ugh this boy is impossible. hmmmm I need a! I climbed up on the bed next to him and put my mouth up to his ear.I'm an evil sister.

"Ok Ronny I guess since you want to stay in bed I get your breakfast....More bacon for me!" I cackled and ran out of the room like a maniac. I heard him falling out if the bed behind me.
"Noooo! ELLE!! I'm up!!" he shrieked stumbling out of his room. I hid at the bottom of the stairs snickering. He came tumbling from the stairs his eyes groggy from sleep. When he turned towards the Kitchen I ran and jumped on his back. He stumbled forward in shock.
"Morning Ronny!" I giggled hugging myself to him. He grabbed my legs and gave me a piggyback ride into the Kitchen.
"Did you really eat my breakfast?" he asked worried. I giggled and ruffled his red head.
"Course not! I'd be dead if I did!" I jumped off his back and sat down at the table. I pulled a plate of food toward me and started shoveling it down. I looked up to see Ron already finished with his cheeks stuffed full. I giggled, "Ron slow down! Your going to choke!" He glared at me,
"Iii stilmp haf ta pakk!" He growled food falling out of his mouth. I squealed and hopped away throwing my dishes in the sink. Nasty boy. I skipped up the stairs to get my trunk. I forgot about it when I was talking to Freddy and Georgy! I reached the top steps and reached for my trunk. I caught a glimpse of long red hair flashing down the hall.
"Ginny!" I exclaimed running forward. I followed her into the small bedroom we share. All my clothes and belongings were gone though. My half of the room looked empty and cold. A few stray stuffed animals, books, and trinkets were left on my bed and dresser. I glanced around sadly. Ginny was sitting on her bed with a pillow over her head. I climbed over and hugged her to my chest.
"Ginny!! I'm sad too but I promise I will write every day!! " I pried the pillow off of her head. She sniffed and looked up at me with watery eyes.
"Can't I come to Hogwarts with you!" She clung to my waist tightly. I sighed,
"I wish Ginny! I'm so nervous! I'm still not used to this whole wizard thing!" I giggled, "I'll end up turning myself into a toad or something!" I exclaimed throwing my hands out dramatically. she laughed and wiped her eyes.
"You'll do great and you have Ron so at least you know at least one person in your year...and Fred and George. Oh man stay clear of their pranks!" She looked at me smirking. "They are going to target you this year I know it!"

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